Tony Greenstein | 07 October 2012 | Post Views:

Sussex Palestine Banner

Zionist Counterdemonstrators Aid the Cause of Boycott

Picket grows stronger as Sodastream is isolated

Activist leafletting Sodastream
Sussex Students Come Down to Lend a Hand
Nearly  managed to come to terms with new technlogy!
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Zionist stall is bare – serving no purpose other than to emulate us
The chief Zionist Christian bigot – foulmouthed as well as stupid
Zionist gets his instructions!
Zionists man their bare stall – at a loss for words (& ideas!)

The Zionists had a great idea today.  They mobilised an hour before us, 12 pm.  Unfortunately they got in the way of Sodastream’s trade and then failed to effectivelycounter the actual demonstrators an hour later, they started drifting off whilst our numbers continued growing until they abandoned ship altogether at 3 pm.  The actual picket lasted till 4 pm.

Meanwhile the local Tory MP, whose constituency Sodastream is not in, Hove, has taken up the cudgels on behalf of Israel’s apartheid company, whilst Green MP Caroline Lucas has remained silent.   Mike Weatherley, whose only claim to fame has been to criminalise squatting and get the homeless put in jail, has been active on behalf of Apartheid in Israel, just as his predecessor John Carslisle MP was the unofficial MP for the whites of Pretoria.

Picket grows stronger as Zionists lose heart

Tories who never hesitated to oppose the immigration of Jewish refugees from Nazism just love Israel.  Likewise the Christian bigots who opposed Jewish immigrants (‘send them to Palestine’ was their refrain) turned up in larger numbers than the Jewish Zionists.  In times gone by the same bigots formed the Reich Church in Germany and formed the backbone of anti-Semitism in the USA where they opposed Jewish immigration.  No talk of the Judeo-Christian heritage there.

Apart from Herut thugs who were largely tongue tied except for threats, one blochead threatned me, I met with my old newspaper adversary Gerald Oberman, an extremely polite man, albeit wrong on just about everything.

Zionists are almost invisible as time went on
Zionist tries to get the hang of his camera
The fact of Zionist stupidity
PSC takes over the space in front of Sodastream as the Christian anti-Semites retreat
Not a Customer in Sight
Apart from the Manager –  The Shop is Empty
Storeworker occupies herself sorting the stolen goods
A rare sight – a customer

The Zionists face a dilemma.  The more people they mobilise, the more we mobilise and the fewer customers who want to go even nearer the shop.  As it is virtually everyone who passed expressed their disgust at the shop’s presence and we were inundated with support.  The Zionists decided 3 weeks ago to set up a stall do and what a pathetic affair it is.  Manned by thugs and Christian weirdos, it  serves no obvious purpose.

Today the Argus printed a quite good article including a debate between me and the local Tory MP.  The battle is on and it is essential to ensure that Sodastream doesn’t get a foot hold in Britain.  Choosing Brighton for their greenwash was a big mistake!

Tony Greenstein

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Tony Greenstein

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