Tony Greenstein | 23 September 2019 | Post Views:

 Monday Programme at the Brighton Rialto Free Speech Centre, Labour Party Conference

A short video on the campaign to free Catalonian prisoners who were democratically elected on a platform of Catalonian Independence. The Spanish response to the campaign for independence shows that the old Franco state still retains its vicious nature.

Below is the timetable for Monday for Brighton’s Free Speech Centre, designed to thwart Zionist attempts to ban discussion and debate around the world’s only apartheid state.

The Zionists have also been trying to pressurise Waterstone’s bookshop into withdrawing from a book launch tomorrow evening for Bad News for Labour about press disinformation campaign around the anti-Semitism witchhunt.

Unsurprisingly the Zionists don’t want the book launch to go ahead because it might throw new light on their nefarious activities.  As Heinrich Heine predicted in 1823 “Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen,”  “Where books are burned, in the end, people will also be burned.” The Zionists are, in so many ways, worthy successors to the Nazis.

And just a reminder that the Jewish Labour Movement’s ‘sister party’ the Israeli Labor Party is in full support of Netanyahu’s proposals to deport Israel’s 40,000 African refugees

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Tony Greenstein

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