Tony Greenstein | 30 April 2011 | Post Views:

Hats off to the Guy Who Poked Camilla!

Police Attack on the Right to Protest as they Make ‘Anticipatory Breach of the Peace’ Arrests

As the royal parasites exchanged their promises to continue robbing the poor and working class, Police stepped up their attempts of previous years to prevent all protests.

Professor Chris Knight, a prominent Republican and Anthropologist, was arrested in London in anticipatory breach of the peace. A completely bogus charge but which is an extremely threatening encroachment on the right of democratic protest

The BBC meanwhile did its best to stir the apathetic masses into some kind of enthusiasm for their Royal Parasites. Wall to wall coverage. No mention of the apathy in the land – the lack of street parties, the virtual absence of bunting. Fact is that most people are now indifferent if not hostile to the royal parasites.

As Shelley put it, the monarchy is the String that Tied the Robbers’ Bundle. They are the icing on the moulding cake. They represent the ‘glamour’ of an ugly ruling class.

Here in Brighton we had a wonderful folk gig at the Princess Caroline of Brunswick (well they all come from Germany anyway). With an alternative version of the national anthem no less! Hats off to Rob Johnson and others who performed and entertained and gave us a wonderful night to enjoy. All proceeds to Her Majesty’s Disloyal Subjects who are subject to the cuts necessary to pay for the royal binge.

And the best song of the night? A tribute to the guy who poked a pig called Camilla through an open window!! (apologies to pigs for the comparison)

Tony Greenstein

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Tony Greenstein

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