Tony Greenstein | 05 April 2008 | Post Views:

This is a blog which was set up as a result of the dispute within Indymedia UK in which Gilad Atzmon finally admitted defeat and took his posts elsewhere. Since then we have dedicated the blog, a niche blog, to exposing the small – and we emphasise small – anti-Semitic wing of the Palestine solidarity movement.

This anti-Semitic wing is based around Mary Rizzo’s Peace Palestine. Who would believe it that the major story on Palestine is ‘Anti-Zionist = Zionist (if you are Tony Greenstein!)’. This is at a time when one would have thought Mary Rizzo would be spending her time campaigning against the Turin Bookfair, which has made Israel its ‘guest of honour’. However why bother doing that when there are anti-Zionists and Jews to attack?

Zionist events in Italy don’t bother the anti-Semites around Rizzo & Atzmon

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Tony Greenstein

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