Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Witchhunt
Socialism Will Not Be Silenced by Starmer and his Neo-Liberal Friends
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If there was one message that I emphasised in the past 5 years it was that when they expelled Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and myself it wasn’t us they were interested in. We were collateral damage. The real target was Jeremy Corbyn. Unfortunately Corbyn chose not to listen and now he has become the victim of his and Jennie Formby’s own witchhunt.
On 22nd July Canary reported that Adam Cailler of the Jewish Telegraph had tweeted, based on ‘a few Labour sources’ that Starmer would suspend Jeremy Corbyn. This was picked up by David Collier, one of the Zionist ghouls behind the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign.
Assuming that Cailler hadn’t recently come into possession of a crystal ball then it is a fair bet that this was leaked by Starmer’s office to test the water.
This appeared 3 months ago – it is clear Corbyn’s suspension was planned months ago
The statement that Corbyn issued after the release of the EHRC Report had nothing to do with his suspension. It was merely a pretext, just as Rebecca Long-Bailey’s retweet of Maxine Peake ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theories’ was also a pretext for her dismissal.
If Starmer had long planned the suspension of Corbyn then we can be sure that this was done with a view to his expulsion not reinstatement. The belief of some like Jon Trickett that he will be reinstated is just wishful thinking. Starmer’s promise to unify the party and carry on with Corbyn’s manifesto pledges was always worthless. He was brought in to purge the Left not unite with it. Expelling those who disagree with you whilst putting hard right-wingers like Rachel Reeves at the heart of his shadow cabinet.
This was posted 3 months ago
Momentum and the ‘Socialist’ Campaign Group are clinging to their illusions whilst Ian Lavery tells fellow MPs to keep their heads down. Momentum first issued statement which protested that “This suspension risks politicising Labour’s response to antisemitism.”
After 5 years Momentum’s co-chairs, Scattergood and Sriskanthan, are still no wiser as to what the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of the Right was about. They still think that the Labour Right, which has never once in its long history displayed any concern over racism against Black and Muslim people, is genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism. The same creatures who supported the ‘hostile environment’ policy which resulted in the deportation of hundreds of Black British citizens have somehow developed an acute sensitivity to anti-Semitism. And not only them but the whole of the gutter press, from the Sun and Mail to the Guardian.
I have yet to hear a credible explanation or indeed any explanation as to why the Sun and the Mail, which employed Katie Hopkins who believes refugees are ‘cockroaches’ are so concerned about anti-Semitism. Perhaps it’s because ‘anti-Semitism’ is a weapon against the left instead of being a genuine phenomenon?
The Conclusions of the EHRC’s Report were reached in advance of its writing – they were forced to delete critical comments on Chris Williamson
Who do Momentum think that Margaret Hodge, Tom Watson, Luciana Berger, all of whom drove the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt, represent? Why should Tom Watson, who supported to the bitter end racist Labour MP Phil Woolas when the High Court forced him out of Parliament, be concerned about anti-Semitism? Watson confessed to having ‘lost sleep’ thinking about ‘poor Phil’.
Instead Momentum pathetically plead that the suspension ‘should be immediately lifted in the interests of party unity.’
Where have these blockheads been living? Starmer’s only interest is in driving out the left from the Labour Party. If Momentum don’t recognise this it’s because they are wedded to the same reformist illusions as Lansman.
Momentum’s co-chairs describe the EHRC Report in completely uncritical terms as if the EHRC was a neutral, anti-racist body and not the Tory plaything it is currently. Scatterbrain says that:
for many it will make for difficult reading. It concludes that the Labour Party complaints process for antisemitism is inadequate, and expresses concern that the current process does not ensure fair and transparent sanctioning of antisemitism complaints. It also finds unlawful acts to have been committed by former Labour Party agents.
Realising that this statement was hopeless Momentum’s leaders then issued a second statement which was even worse.
‘The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party leadership is a factional attack on the left that inevitably undermines the fight against anti-semitism and makes a mockery of Keir Starmer’s pledge to unite the Party. Tonight our Party is more divided than ever.’ (my emphasis)
As if to underline that a ruthless purge is underway, London Regional Staff pulled the plug literally on the Zoom software on a London Regional Meeting which was about to discuss a motion condemning the suspension of Corbyn.
The reaction of Mick Moore, a London representative of Momentum was that ‘unity within Labour is “being systematically undermined by a culture of control-freakery and forced silence”. Wake up to reality Mick. And what are you going to do about it with your 25,000 members?
New Momentum Chairs Scatterbrain and Sriskanthan are no different from Jon Lansman whose supporters they replaced
The new Momentum Forward leadership barely differs politically from Lansman’s Momentum. They still don’t get it that the ‘fight against anti-Semitism’ was a fight against the Palestinians. That is why, despite his concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ Starmer has refused even to meet with Palestinian representatives. His declaration to the Times of Israel:
‘I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification.”
demonstrates that Starmer is a fully paid up racist when it comes to the victims of Zionism and the sooner people recognise this the better.
Momentum’s ‘solidarity’ rally with Corbyn hauled up the white flag as they all pledge to ‘fight antisemitism’ still not realising that the ‘antisemitism’ weapon was devised to remove Corbyn
Momentum held a rally last Friday. Below is a report which was posted by Tina Werkman of Labour Left Alliance:
‘In last night’s shockingly tame Momentum rally, speaker after speaker repeated the lie that the Labour Party has a huge problem with anti-Semitism (culminating in John McDonnell’s renewed apology). Deborah Herrmans from Momentum said that, “the priority for the party must be who we improve how we tackle antisemitism”.
Not a word was said in solidarity with the thousands of other victims of the campaign of the right. Nobody dared to say the word ‘witch-hunt’. Richard Burgon welcomed a Labour government under Keir Starmer. Diane Abbott and every single Momentum speaker called for the full implementation of the EHRC report, which includes the setting up of an “independent” disciplinary process with the help of “Jewish stakeholders” (and they don’t mean Jewish Voice for Labour).
This is clearly inadequate – in effect, the mainstream Labour Left has given up. There is little point in staying in Starmer’s Labour Party if you are not prepared to fight!
Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliance and many Labour members, including those who have been unjustly suspended or expelled in the latest purge, aren’t willing to accept that they should be sacrificial lambs for Zionism. The mass expulsions which are now taking place, have nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with Zionism and Israel.
That was why Labour came under severe pressure from the Zionists to adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which deliberately conflates genuine anti-Semitism, hostility and hatred of Jews, to anti-Zionism and support for the Palestinians.
Independent Socialist Councillor Kate Knight
We have four speakers including Howard Beckett, the Assistant General Secretary of UNITE and Nicki Brennan, Councillor for East Brighton, who was ‘investigated’ by Starmer’s witchhunters and decided to quit Labour at the same time as another Labour councillor, Kate Knight. Greg Hadfield, who was removed as the elected Secretary of the District Labour Party and myself, the first Jewish expellee from the party, are also speaking.
What is being called ‘bitchgate’ – Carmen Appich is the real face of Starmer’s Labour
Kate Knight, who earlier this year quit the Labour Party, has recently been the recipient of the kinder, gentle politics of Starmer’s clones on Brighton and Hove Council. The Chair of the Equalities Committee no less, Carmen Appich, called Kate a ‘bitch’ when she joined a meeting of the 70 strong housing management panel being held on Zoom. Fortunately she had not bothered to mute herself so her comments resounded around the meeting and everyone could know what an unpleasant individual she is as well as a hypocrite. Appich later apologised for what she called a ‘horrible mistake’ but it’s difficult to know how a comment such as that can be a mistake. The mistake was in not muting herself.
No one bears a greater responsibility on the Left for the suspension and pending expulsion of Corbyn than John McDonnell, who leapt to the defence of Margaret Hodge who should have been expelled – McDonnell scabbed throughout
If Corbyn is now be expelled by the same fast track procedures that Corbyn himself introduced then it will be a sort of justice. He will understand just what injustices were done to hundreds of ordinary members. He is a fool who built the scaffold that may be used to hang him with. Nonetheless we should support him because his proposed expulsion is a dagger aimed at the heart of the left. What is need is a vigorous campaign of non-compliance with David Evan’s dictats within the Labour Party.
What will but utterly useless is to think that mild pressure on Starmer will persuade him against expelling Corbyn.
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Tony Greenstein
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