Last night activists from Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Jews 4 Boycotting Israeli Goods and sympathisers picketted a reception at Windsor Castle for the racist and apartheid Jewish National Fund.
It was interesting to see the cream of the Zionist establishment, all done up in their finest and best, arriving in their cars and finery। Interestingly the most popular car was from Mercedes Benz. Presumably the assorted members of the Jewish and Zionist establishment have forgiven German capitalism for its use of Jewish and non-Jewish slave labour during the war! After all racists have to make common cause.
Unfortunately the Duke of Edinburgh was unable to attend owing to his recent illness!! Which was a great pity as he could have regaled the assorted guests with a few Jewish jokes from his vast racist repertoire!
And speaking of racists making common cause, according to Gilad Atzmon and his fellow freaks Mary Rizzo, Shamir & co। by the very act of demonstrating against the JNF we were showing our devotion to Zionism!!!
Below are some photos kindly supplied by Brian Robinson.

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