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palestine demo 2 15.9.24

Tony Greenstein | 16 September 2024

With their Union Jacks & Israeli Flags the Zionists Resembled the Nazi National Front & English Defence League

Smotrich and starving Palestinians

Tony Greenstein | 10 September 2024

The Only Lesson You Have Drawn From the Holocaust is that Genocide is Fine When Israel Does It

Flyer Graham

Tony Greenstein | 06 September 2024

Instead of Implementing UNITE Policy on Palestine & Trying to Stop the Transfer of Weapons for Israel’s Genocide, Sharon Graham attacked Activists Protesting Against the Arms Factories

August 31 devastation 2

Tony Greenstein | 04 September 2024

Israel’s attack on the West Bank is a Continuation of the Genocidal War in Gaza – Ethnic Cleansing and Expulsion is the Zionist Project

rudolf vrba

Tony Greenstein | 29 August 2024

What Kind of Person Writes a Biography With the Intention of Distorting What Their Subject Said & Justifying their Silencing? Step forward the Guardian’s Freedland

The Escape Artist 2

Tony Greenstein | 24 August 2024

Freedland Justified the Rewriting of History in order that the Holocaust could be Exploited by Zionism to Justify Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing

Rania and Tony G

Tony Greenstein | 22 August 2024

Interview with Rania Khalek of Breakthrough News about my book Zionism During the Holocaust


Tony Greenstein | 18 August 2024

In Stern: The Man, the Gang & the State We Learn About the Mentality Behind the Nazi-style Genocide in Gaza Today


The weaponisation of memory in the service of state and nation

Available now at Amazon!

£12.50 paperback £18 hardback inc. p&p (UK only)

For details of postage costs outside the UK or other queries please contact me


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