My apologies for not having posted awhile but I’m on holiday in Italy with my kids!
That hasnàt stopped the Zionist nutter who is obsessed by my family from posting 37 times! But then the Zionist movement attracts its fair share of cranks who like talking to themselves. Since he is afraid of putting his own name to some of his vile posts, like celebrating the death of Victoria Buch, none of his comments will appear, unless I consider they are good enough examples of the bitter and twisted racist mentality of Zionismàs diaspora fanatics!!
I havenàt been totally idle though! I took a biography of Raoul Wallenberg with me. Wallenberg was the Swedish diplomat who through his unorthodox methods was able to save up to 100,000 of Budapestàs Jews from the Nazis, unlike the Zionist leader Rudolf Kasztner who saved 1684 of the àProminentsà (his description) by helping Eichmann to keep the Jews of Hungary quiet and uninformed.
The second book is by Enzo Traverso and is equally interesting. It is àUnderstanding the Nazi Genocide – Marxism after Auschwitz.à And when I get back to blighty I have 2 articles to write – one on Atzmonàs move to far-right anti’Semitic conspiracy stuff and the other a book review of Francis Nicosiaàs Zionism and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, which despite the puff is extremely disappointing.
Tony Greenstein