Jo Bird – The Candidate that Lansman and Formby Suspended – is Speaking This Saturday in Brighton
Please show your support for Jo Bird, who is standing for Labour’s National Executive Committee. There have already been attempts to stop the meeting by the Church-run Brighthelm Community Centre which refused to accept the booking.
These Christian reactionaries, who previously cancelled meetings with Jackie Walker and Chris Williamson, find freedom of speech a difficult concept to understand.
This is the march that racist Chief Rabbi Mirvis took part in
Even under the man we called ‘crooked’ McNicol, Labour’s former General Secretary, there was never an attempt to stop someone standing for office by suspending them.
Even McNicol never intervened in an election to help his favoured candidates by suspending their socialist opponents. This is what Lansman and Formby are now doing.
Jo Bird has now been suspended twice. Once for making an innocuous joke about ‘Jew process’ (far less offensive than the anti-Semitic Zionist ‘joke’ about the ‘Many not the Jew’ which implies all Jewish people are part of the few i.e. rich, speculators etc.
This is the march that racist Chief Rabbi Mirvis took part in
Graham Durham was suspended for calling Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis a Tory -The Truth under Jennie Formby’s Orwellian Regime is now Anti-semitic!Suspensions include:
Ø Graham Durham for correctly calling the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, a Tory. He could also have called him a racist settler rabbi who took part in the 2017 March for Flags as part of Jerusalem Day when thousands of settler youth storm into the Arab Quarter chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’ and other homilies. Mirvis and his predecessor as Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, refused appeals by more liberal Zionists not to take part.
Ø NEC BAME candidate Keith Hussein is also, we understand, under administrative suspension.
Ø Possibly the most pernicious case is that of West Ham’s Mehmood Mizra, who has by far the greatest number of CLP nominations for the BAME seat at 75, as well as backing from the transport union TSSA.
The suspensions of 1 Jewish and 2 Black candidates demonstrates that Jennie Formby and Jon Lansman are participating in a racist and anti-Semitic witch-hunt.