How the Zionists Rewrote the History of the Holocaust
Webinar Tuesday 12 November 2024
There are also recordings of each individual speaker
Tom Suarez
Haim Bresheeth:
Tony Greenstein:
Stephen Kapos:
Last Tuesday Jewish Network for Palestine and the Socialist Labour Network held a webinar on how Zionism has rewritten the history of the holocaust in order to justify genocide in Gaza.
It is difficult to think of anything more disgusting than using the memory of the Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis to justify the murder of Palestinian children and their parents in Gaza.
The Western powers – the United States, Britain and especially the German state – are happy to go along with this rewriting of history. After all it lets them off the hook and avoids western leaders having to answer uncomfortable questions such as why the US and Britain refused to admit Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.
Stephen Kapos and other descendants of holocaust survivors
A recent example of this is how the riot and racist attacks of the Tel Aviv Maccabi fans in the Netherlands was turned into a second Kristallnacht, the Nazi pogrom of November 9-10 when 100 Jews were murdered and nearly all synagogues were burnt to the ground.
This could only happen because the attacks by Israel’s racist thugs on Arabs in Amsterdam was conveniently ignored, just as Israel’s war crimes in Gaza are ignored. The chants of ‘Death to the Arabs’ ‘May Your Villages Burn’ and ‘There is no school in Gaza today because there are no children’ somehow disappeared down the memory hole of Starmer, Scholtz, Biden and the Netherland’s idiot Prime Minister Schoof.
Instead the fightback of Amsterdam residents who gave the Israeli thugs a deserved thrashing was paraded as an anti-Semitic pogrom.
There was nothing more sick than the fascist leader of the Netherlands, who leads its biggest parliamentary party The Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, bemoaning the ‘anti-Semitic’ attacks whilst using it as a pretext to call for the deportation of Moroccans living in the Netherlands.
Dutch Nazi Party (NSB) marching in Amsterdam
Netherlands had the highest rate of extermination of Jews of any Western country in the holocaust. This was in part because it had a relatively strong fascist party the NSB, which helped the Gestapo winkle out Jews in hiding like Anne Frank. It doesn’t take much imagination to recognise that 84 years ago, Geert Wilders would not have been a member of the Communist Party which organised the strikes against the Jewish deportations. Geert Wilders would have been a prominent leader of the Dutch Nazi Party, the NSB. The idea that this fascist would have joined Dutch workers in their strike against the deportations is absurd.
Ursula von der Liar
The same is true of the far-right President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. A member of the Christian Democrats, whose antecedents lie in the Weimar conservative parties including the anti-Semitic DNVP which helped put Hitler in power. If Von Der Liar had been alive 90 years ago she would have been a cheer leader for the Nazis but today Jews are a useful stalking horse for western imperialism in the Middle East.
We organised this webinar precisely because western leaders and its prostitute media have turned the Nazi holocaust into a justification for their war plans and racism.
Tom Suarez
The first speaker was Tom Suarez who has written two excellently researched books, State of Terror and Palestine Hijacked. Tom described Zionism as a cult and Anti-Semitism as its drug. He described the cruel cynicism of Zionism which opposed all rescue plans for Jewish refugees from the Nazis that didn’t involve Palestine as its destination. He recalled the opposition of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, to the Kindertransport in 1938/9, after Kristallnacht, which saved 10,000 German Jewish children from death.
As Ben-Gurion explained to the Central Committee of Mapai, the Israeli Labour Party, on 9 December 1938:
If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.
david ben gurion
Letter to the Jewish Chronicle 5 February 1993
This was the policy of the Zionist movement throughout the war. Another example he gave was of the deliberate sabotage of the efforts of Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld, Chair of the Chief Rabbi’s Rescue Committee by the Board of Deputies, which at that time was controlled by the Zionists. Indeed its President Selig Brodestsky openly boasted of this sabotage. You can read about this in my book Zionism During the Holocaust.
HMS Patria
Tom described how the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israeli Occupation Forces, sank the Patria, because they preferred dead refugees to them being transported by the British to Mauritius. Over 250 of the 2,000 refugees died. The Haganah lied and claimed that the refugees themselves had sunk the boat because they preferred dying to living anywhere but Palestine. The habit of lying hasn’t left them.
Tom emphasised how anti-Semitism is key to holding Jews in the diaspora in permanent fear, be it fake or genuine. The holocaust has been weaponised in order that Israel can continue its ethnic cleansing.
The Patria sinking in Haifa harbour
After the war the Zionists insisted that Jews be separated from non-Jews in the Displaced Persons camps and in the Jewish camps there was a reign of terror to force them to go, not to the United States or Britain but to Palestine. Those who didn’t want to go were beaten up and worse.
Rabbi Herzog, the Chief Rabbi of Palestine ran a kidnapping operation for Jewish children who had been placed with non-Jewish families during the war. They were torn from those families, regardless of their own wishes. In some cases children whose parents were in England were still forced to go to Palestine.
The second speaker was Haim Bresheeth, the Israeli academic who was recently arrested by the police in London as part of their attacks on Palestine solidarity supporters. The third speaker was Tony Greenstein, author of Zionism During the Holocaust and the final speaker was Stephen Kapos, who was a child survivor of the Hungarian holocaust. He was sheltered by a Christian group in Budapest.
Stephen Kapos
The session was chaired by Esther Giles from the Socialist Labour Network. On January 27 we will be holding a similar meeting on Holocaust Memorial Day. We are determined not to allow the Zionists a monopoly over the holocaust narrative in order to use one holocaust to justify more holocausts.
Tony Greenstein