The Jewish Chronicle Has a New Editor, Daniel Schwammenthal, and it Seems They’ve Realised That a Propaganda Rag Cannot Be a Newspaper
Edward Isaacs was Chair of Bristol’s Jewish (in fact Israel) Society when the campaign began in earnest against a sociology professor, David Miller. McCarthyism came easily to this spoilt rich Zionist brat.
My original message to Edward Isaacs
My clash with Isaacs began when he and his deputy, AJ Solomon applied to join the Labour Against the Witchhunt Facebook Group. As the Admin of the group I asked them why they wanted to join and if they were Zionists i.e. racists. See EXCLUSIVE: Bristol University Hearing into David Miller’s Right To Freedom of Speech Will Take Place Next Week as the Zionist Campaign to Dismiss Him Intensifies.
My Response to Google
Solomon got into a debate with me which he badly lost, resulting in him deleting his comments. Isaacs merely threatened to sue me with Daddy’s money if I called him a liar again. So that’s what I did. I called him a liar but no libel writ arrived so I guess it is an established fact now that Edward Isaacs, Chair of UJS from 2023-4 is a liar.
Naturally I put up a blog which remained up until yesterday. Now there is simply a page that says that the blog does not exist though it still appears on a Google search.
This is what Google objected to – the truth
Fortunately, some years ago, I decided that the risks of Google taking down a blog that has existed for some 16+ years were too great and I therefore invested in a website and a domain which is based in the United States. All my posts on Blogspot have been copied onto it including all legacy posts, just in case.
This is all that remains of my deleted blog!! Except on my shadow blog
Although it costs me an arm and a leg, hence my occasional appeals to readers, it is worth it not to let the Zionists destroy what is also a history of the Palestine solidarity movement in this country.
This is Blogspot’s Explanation for Deleting a 31/2 year old post
Twice in the last year Google has taken down posts. This never used to happen and so I am thinking of leaving blogspot altogether and simply posting to my own site.
I therefore invite people to go to the post Edward Isaacs is a Liar on my site to see what has been irking Isaac’s for the past 3+ years. He was clearly hoping to join LAW in order to spy on people there but I always check people who apply to join in case they are Zionists.
Isn’t it strange how these young amoral Zionists, who are so ready to call people ‘anti-Semites’ become so touchy when they are accused of not telling the truth?
Is the Jewish Chronicle Changing Under Its New Editor Daniel Schwammenthal?
It was inevitable after the public relations fiasco in which the Jewish Chronicle was found to have been printing as ‘Exclusives’ lying disinformation from Netanyahu’s office via a pimp who called himself a journalist, I refer to Elon Perry, that its obnoxious, racist Editor Jake Wallis Simons had to go. Although he took nearly 6 months to get the message.
Perry had claimed to have taken part in the Entebbe raid a mere 48 years ago, as well as having been a professor at Tel Aviv University for 15 years. Clearly he was a Walter Mitty character but then that fitted in well at the JC. The JC was was happy to have him write complete fabrications because printing lies is what it specialised in.
The fable that did him was about how Hamas leader, Yayha Sinwar was trying to escape to Iran with the hostages and that was why Israel needed to stay in the Philadelphia corridor in order to prevent such occurrences. There was no truth in this story and as we know, Sinwar died a martyr’s death throwing, with his last gasp of breath, a stick at the drone which located him. ‘Sinwar’s stick’ has since become famous as a symbol of Palestinian bravery and resistance.
However this time it was the Israeli end which did for editor Jake Wallis-Simons, whose other speciality was as a soft-porn novelist. Netanyahu’s disinformation had been part of a war against the army top brass and his political enemies. Hence why they were quick to rubbish the story. As the Guardian commented
Despite being provided with a series of questions, Wallis Simons and the JC have so far declined to describe how Perry – an individual with no discernible journalistic track record, let alone as an investigative reporter – came to be writing for the paper or what due diligence had been exercised over an increasingly fantastic series of claims.
I mention all of this because Agnes Kory, a child survivor of the Nazi holocaust, sent me a copy of a letter she had sent to the Jewish Chronicle supporting the picket of Tzipi Hotoveli, the Israeli Ambassador, in Swiss Cottage where she lives.
I wished her good luck but I doubted very much that they would print it. Imagine my surprise when the Jewish Chronicle did just that! Under Pollard or Simons the chances are that Agnes’s letter would have ended up in the electronic equivalent of the waste paper basket.
At the same time I was contacted by a JC reporter, Jane Prinsley about a story they were doing about the demonstrations at Swiss Cottage. You may not think this is unusual but for the JC it is an innovation. Jane actually contacted me before writing the story!
It is of course good journalistic practice to contact people you intend to write about but it is not something that the JC have done since Pollard became Editor in 2008.
Imagine my surprise when I read Prinsley’s article. Even though it didn’t include all my points, it did accurately quote from the 3 out of 6 that they did use. I can’t imagine that Marcus Dysch or ‘Liar’ Lee even considering contacting their victims.
As I said in a letter to the JC (which I don’t expect to be published!) when ‘Liar’ Lee Harpin used to write articles involving me it was a pleasant past-time to see how many mistakes I could identify in each article. This is perhaps why the paper experienced so many adverse judgements of IPSOS, the so-called independent body that investigates complaints against newspapers and why it suffered so many libel defeats too.
As Jonathan Cook wrote ‘the Jewish Chronicle’s libel payouts were a small price to pay for smearing Corbyn and the left.’ The JC literally did not care if its stories were true or not. The main objective was to damage Corbyn and the Left, which is why an unknown consortium was prepared to finance the paper despite knowing that it could only make losses as readers abandoned it. The BBC’s Director Robbie Gibb man fronted the take-over of the JC by anonymous billionaires.
My satirical letter to the Jewish Chronicle
The scandal involving Perry resulted in the JC’s four principal columnists, headed by Jonathan Freedland and David Aaronovitch, resigning. The rats were abandoning ship.
Despite his attempts to cling on, Jake Wallis Simon’s days were numbered. Whether this results in any substantive change in the JC is to be doubted. To date the JC has operated on the basis that 99.99% of British Jews are fully fledged Zionists. Jewish anti-Zionism has disappeared from its pages. The reality of what is happening to the Palestinians never even makes it into their pages thus reinforcing the belief that Palestinians (‘Arabs’) don’t like Israel because they are born anti-Semitic rather than that they might object to living in an apartheid state that steals their land.
However time will tell.
Tony Greenstein