CHRIS WILLIAMSON – NEC Panel Recommends His Expulsion
The only person who should be expelled is Tom Watson –If Corbyn Doesn’t Speak Out He Will Be Next on the List
I have learnt tonight that Chris Williamson, the Labour MP for Derby North, has been recommended by an NEC panel for expulsion. This outrageous recommendation is nothing but pure maliciousness and vindictiveness against one of the few genuine socialists amongst Labour MPs.
It is also fraudulent. The NEC appointed a previous panel which recommended his reinstatement. Because they got the wrong decision the NEC have appointed another panel! It’s like being acquitted by a court and the powers that be deciding they didn’t like the decision and trying you over and over again until they obtain the ‘right’ decision.
The attacks on Chris, by the supporters of the Israeli Apartheid state, are based on yet another outrageous and dishonest distortion. Chris was accused of saying that Labour has been too apologetic about anti-Semitism. This is a lie. He said Labour had been too apologetic about the false allegations of anti-Semitism made against it. Only a complete moron or someone as politically dishonest as Tom Watson, cannot understand the difference.
What Chris actually said was:
“I have got to say I think our party’s response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we’ve backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we’ve been too apologetic…
“We’ve done more to actually address the scourge of anti-semitism than any other political party. Any other political party. And yet we are being traduced.”
Momentum’s unelected dictator Jon Lansman has already made it clear that he is at one with the Right in the Labour Party in demanding Chris’s expulsion. However it is also the case, as a recent poll, by Labour List demonstrated that over 60% of Labour members support Chris.
In other words Lansman and his sycophantic hacks, and we have a few of them here in Brighton Momentum, are in a minority. Any reasonable person can see that nothing Chris said was anti-Semitic.
Tom Watson ‘lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas’
However there are very good grounds for expelling Tom Watson.
Phil Woolas’s racist leaflet that Tom Watson backed
a. Backing racist Labour MP Phil Woolas who campaigned to ‘make the white folk angry’. When the High Court removed him for lying about an opponent Watson wrote he had ‘lost sleep over poor Phil.’
b. Running a racist campaign in the Birmingham Hodge Hill by election in 2004. As Campaign Manager Watson oversaw the distribution of leaflets which said “Labour is on your side; the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum-seekers.” In an interview with the New Statesman Watson said. “I wouldn’t write it again, I wanted to defeat the Lib Dems at all costs.” Which just goes to show that Watson has all the attributes of a syphilitic rattle snake.
2. Bullying of women
a. Bullying Yvonne Davies, a local Councillor because she objected to a white racist march supported by the BNP in his constituency of Sandwell. Yvonne, who is now leader of Sandwell Council, organised a photoshot of councillors to send to Jennie Formby as a get well card. All councillors except the two working for Watson were in the photo!
b. Bullying Jennie Formy over the fake anti-Semitism claims knowing full well she is undergoing chemotherapy.
3. Anti-Semitism
Leon Brittan: Tom Watson is on record as saying he wouldn’t rest until the last anti-Semite was expelled from the Labour Party. In which case he should resign his membership!
Moments after the death of the former Jewish Conservative Home Secretary Leon Brittan from cancer, Watson wrote that he was ‘“as close to evil as any human being could get” (which is a remarkably good description of Tom Watson).
Brittan had been accused by Watson’s friend Carl Beech, now serving 18 years for a variety of offences, of being a paedophile. There was no substance to this yet Watson singled out Brittan, a dying man, not any other of Beech’s targets. The only possible reason for this was because he was Jewish.
During his political career Brittan had been subject to considerable anti-Semitism in the Tory Party (but of course as this has nothing to do with Israel it was brushed under the carpet). Harold MacMillan quipped that the Thatcher cabinet
“was more old Estonian than old Etonian” — a crack which sped through the bars of the Commons and in Tory clubland as a non-too-subtle way of putting Nigel Lawson, Leon Brittan or Michael Howard in their place.’This is the tradition Tom Watson has followed in.
4. Using the abuse of children to further Tom Watson’s Political Career
Tom Watson didn’t merely raise the issue of a possible VIP paedophile ring, he positively encouraged Carl Beech, who has himself been convicted of sexual abuse of children, to make wild and fantastic claims of abuse. Although I hold no brief for Harvey Proctor, who when he was an MP was a member of the far-Right Monday Club and a fellow-traveller of the National Front, the allegations made against him were clearly preposterous and without foundation. Watson abused parliamentary privilege to make these claims. In this sense Proctor is right to call Watson the ‘cheerleader-in-chief’ for Carl Beech.
That is not to say that there haven’t been powerful politicians and celebrities who have used their position to continue their abuse. The obvious person was Jimmy Saville, who was given a knighthood by Margaret Thatcher. Likewise Cyril Smith, the Liberal MP was protected by the leader of the Liberals, David Steel despite Steel knowing of the allegations. Peter Morrison, Thatcher’s PPS was another well known paedophile and implicated in the North Wales child abuse scandal. See Paedophile politicians – the ones that got away
Clearly what the NEC should do is to firstly suspend Tom Watson, then form a panel to hear the charges against him and then recommend his expulsion.
In the meantime the case of Chris Williamson should be withdraw from the National Constitutional Committee as there is no case to answer
Tony Greenstein