Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering

Brighton’s ‘Left’ Labour Councillors Endorse the Purge of Socialists by accepting False Anti-Semitism Allegations against 3 former Councillors In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council. It gained 20 seats to the Green’s 19 and ran the Council. The response of the right was to make false allegations of anti-Semitism resulting…

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David Baddiel Has a Long History of Gaslighting Black and Roma people – Is It Any Surprise that he is Starmer’s Favourite ‘Anti-racist’?

 Jews Don’t Count is an Exercise in Special pleading for Jewish Exceptionalism, Jewish Privilege & Jewish Victimhood It says everything about the superficial nature of the mass media that I even have to write this. Baddiel has received massive publicity for Jews Don’t Count, his pathetic plea for Jewish Exceptionalism and for Jews to be recognised as what…

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Why is it 27 years later, later, the Queen of Hearts strikes fear into the Monarchy & the British Establishment?

 The reason the BBC wants to bury Diana’s Panorama Interview has nothing to do with fake bank statements – it’s about protecting Charles Martin Bashir Interviews Princess Diana for Panorama 20.11.95. I don’t expect the interview to remain up for long as Youtube has already placed this warning Recently there was been quite a campaign…

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Israel’s Shameless Treatment of the Holocaust Survivors –Half of Them Have to Choose Between Food and Heat

Israel’s Shameless Treatment of the Holocaust Survivors –Half of Them Have to Choose Between Food and Heat Despite Exploiting the Holocaust Financially and in Propaganda Israel Acknowledges No Obligation to the Survivors German holocaust survivors – Interview with Collette Avital A friend recently sent me yesterday a clip from a German news programme in which Colette…

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Blaming the Victims of Racism & Exonerating their Perpetrators – The Upside Down World of David Renton

UPDATE I have emailed David Renton, challenging him to debate the conclusions in his book, but for some reason he hasn’t responded! You could try reminding him on [email protected] or [email protected] be polite. Blaming the Victims of Racism & Exonerating their Perpetrators The Upside Down World of David Renton  Book Review Labour’s Anti-Semitism Crisis What…

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RIP Robert Fisk – the Most Brilliant and Fearless Middle East Reporter of his generation

RIP Robert Fisk – the Most Brilliant and Fearless Middle East Reporter of his generation Robert Fisk – The Death Of A ‘Controversial’ Journalist Who Didn’t Hesitate to Challenge the ‘Competing Narratives’ of War 10th November 2020 Alerts Robert Fisk (12 July 1946 – 30 October 2020) was without doubt the greatest Middle East correspondent of our…

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The Academic as an Establishment Whore – It wasn’t only in Nazi Germany that Academics Sacrificed Principles (& Colleagues)

The Academic as an Establishment Whore – It wasn’t only in Nazi Germany that Academics Sacrificed Principles (& Colleagues) How David Feldman of Birkbeck and the Pears Institute Changed His Views to Accommodate Zionist McCarthyism Viktor Klemperer I was recently reading Richard Evans trilogy on the Holocaust. He, like David Cesarani’s Final Solution, relied heavily…

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Why does the ‘only democratic state in the Middle East’ (Israel) sends Defence Ministry Agents to Archives in order to brow-beat them into hiding historical documents?

Why does the ‘only democratic state in the Middle East’ (Israel) sends Defence Ministry Agents to Archives in order to brow-beat them into hiding historical documents? For nearly 20 years Israeli Arabs lived under military rule – not because they were a Fifth Column but to prevent them returning to the land that had stolen…

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