Israel’s Kulturkampf – ‘Culture’ Minister Miri Regev’s War on Subversive Art
Israel’s Kulturkampf – ‘Culture’ Minister Miri Regev’s War on Subversive Art The McCarthyist Attacks on Israel’s Dissident Theatres is Symptomatic of a Settler Colonial Regime At the beginning of October I received a letter from an old Israeli associate, Professor Avraham Oz of Haifa University. Avraham is a professor of theatre and a long standing…
Read MoreOn the the Road to Victory with Chris Williamson in Derby North – the battle is between Chris and the Tories
On the the Road to Victory with Chris Williamson in Derby North – the battle is between Chris and the Tories One thing is clear – New Labour’s Tony Tinley Doesn’t Have a Chance but he could let in the Tories The refusal of Labour’s National Executive Committee to rescind Chris Williamson’s suspension and allow…
Read MoreJohn Hagee, President of Christians United 4 Israel on How Hitler was God’s Hunter sent to drive the Jews to Israel
John Hagee, President of Christians United 4 Israel on How Hitler was God’s Hunter sent to drive the Jews to Israel John Hagee, President of Christians United 4 Israel on How Hitler was God’s Hunter sent to drive the Jews to Israel John Hagee is not just any old crazy American pastor. He is President…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Jennie Formby and the NEC – We Expected You to be Better not Worse than Iain McNicol
Open Letter to Jennie Formby and the NEC – We Expected You to be Better not Worse than Iain McNicol I demand that you revoke my expulsion – it’s time you expelled Labour’s genuine racists – such as Luke Akehurst, Luke Stanger – not anti-racists Dear Jennie, Two years ago we demonstrated outside the Labour…
Read MoreA Grilling? If Prince Andrew was a piece of meat then Emily Maitlis’s interview would give us food poisoning
A Grilling? If Prince Andrew was a piece of meat then Emily Maitlis’s interview would give us food poisoning It’s not a carefully controlled, softball interview with the BBC but an interview under arrest which is required It says something about our ‘justice system’ that Julian Assange is under lock and key in Belmarsh prison…
Read MoreWhy Anyone Who is Jewish and on the Left Should Have no Problem Voting for Jeremy Corbyn
Why Anyone Who is Jewish and on the Left Should Have no Problem Voting for Jeremy Corbyn A Response to Jonathan Freedland’s Latest Anti-Corbyn Tirade I wrote the article below earlier in the week in response to Jonathan Freedland’s propaganda tract in The Guardian, ‘Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn?’…
Read MoreEsther Solomon – her lies and distortions qualify her as Israel’s Jonathan Freedland
Esther Solomon – her lies and distortions qualify her as Israel’s Jonathan Freedland Ha’aretz attacks Jeremy Corbyn – it may be liberal by Israel’s standards but it is still a Zionist neo-liberal paper by normal standards Because of Gideon Levy and Amira Hass, Ha’aretz has earned a reputation for opposing Zionist racism and the horrors…
Read MoreGuardian Refuses to Print Letters From Jewish Opponents of the false allegations of Labour Antisemitism Criticising Freedland’s Racist Tirade
Guardian Refuses to Print Letters From Jewish Opponents of the false allegations of Labour Antisemitism Criticising Freedland’s Racist Tirade The Guardian Has Also Refused to Allow Any Reply to Freedland on its Comment Pages Fresh from making false accusations on his Twitter account about Majid Mahmood, a Labour candidate in Birmingham, Jonathan Freedland set about Jeremy Corbyn…
Read MoreIs Jonathan Freedland the most dishonest journalist in Britain?
Is Jonathan Freedland the most dishonest journalist in Britain? The Upper Immigration Tribunal overturned Theresa May’s Deportation Order yet Freedland still accuses Raed Salah of ‘anti-Semitism’ I was wondering, when writing this article, whether a new verb might be in order. To Freedland trans: to deliberately distort or falsify an argument e.g. through concealment of evidence esp. by…
Read MoreThe Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party
The Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party Who Would Have Thought that Stephen Pollard, the Jewish Chronicle’s Editor, would DEFEND an antisemitic Polish MEP, Michal Kaminski, because he was pro-Israel? BRICUP Newsletter 27 John Bercow, the former Speaker, denies that there is any trace…
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