At a time of Black Lives Matter We Should Remember and Learn the Lessons of Those Who Fought for Civil Rights in the Deep South
At a time of Black Lives Matter We Should Remember and Learn the Lessons of Those Who Fought for Civil Rights in the Deep South How a Black Spy Infiltrated the Confederate White House, the Freedom Riders and 6 Heroines of the Struggle It is Black History Month and it is opportune to cover some of…
Read MoreAPOLOGIES For Not Having Posted In The Past Few Days But I’ve Been Overcome With Grief At Trump Catching China Virus!
APOLOGIES For Not Having Posted In The Past Few Days But I’ve Been Overcome With Grief At Trump Catching China Virus! I will not wish that anything bad happens to Trump – rather I will quote from Dylan’s Masters of War There is a rich irony in Donald Trump having succumbed to the Coronavirus (or Chinavirus)…
Read MoreCampaign for Free Speech on Palestine – Come and hear Ali Abunimah, Editor of Electronic Intifada and Ben Norton of Grayzone
Campaign for Free Speech on Palestine – Come and hear Ali Abunimah, Editor of Electronic Intifada and Ben Norton of Grayzone Today Zionism is the main enemy of free speech only last week Zoom cancelled a San Francisco University seminar featuring Leila Khaled On Thursday we will be holding the third meeting around Free Speech…
Read MoreBrighton & Hove Labour Left Alliance Zoom Meeting on White Privilege and the Fight Against Racism – Tuesday September 29, 7.00 pm
Brighton & Hove Labour Left Alliance Zoom Meeting on White Privilege and the Fight Against Racism – Tuesday September 29, 7.00 pm White Privilege? Is this the Cause of the Racism that led to George Floyd’s Murder or is it Another Example of Identity Politics? I have to confess that after years being involved in…
Read MoreNo one Better Represents the Opportunism and Lack of Principle of the Campaign Group of MPs than Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle
No one Better Represents the Opportunism and Lack of Principle of the Campaign Group of MPs than Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle The Height of Unreality – Sacked by Starmer for offending Zionists LRM Pledged ‘to support Keir in defending and furthering the manifesto we stood on’ I must confess I’ve never had much respect for Lloyd…
Read MoreAs Soon as the Green Party Took Control of Brighton & Hove Council They Provoked a Strike with Housing Repair Workers
It is an Iron Rule of Politics that when Green Parties Get A Taste of Power They Move to the Right Whatever their fluffy radical words when in opposition about Green New Deals, workers’ rights and a fairer society, once they get into power Green Parties move inexorably to the Right. This is not a…
Read MoreImad Barghouti, a Professor of Space Physics at Al Quds – a University under Occupation – is Imprisoned Without Trial for Expressing His Opinions on Facebook – Please Sign the Petition
As I Predicted , the Zionist Attempt to Blacklist Expelled Members Backfires as McDonnell and Pidcock Defy the Board of Deputies McCarthyism Policy – Starmer Simply Ignored Them Fourth Black Lives Matter Demonstration in Brighton is Smallest Yet 1. Zionist McCarthyism and McDonnell A week ago I blogged that John McDonnell and Laura Pidcock had defied Zionist instructions…
Read MoreIn Memory of the 2,000+ victims of Sabra & Chatilla who died when the Zionists set the Fascist Phalange on unarmed and defenceless women and children
The Night that Arik Sharon and the Zionists set the fascist wolves onto Palestinian women and children Perhaps the most haunting memory I have concerns the visit I made to Lebanon in the summer of 1979 at the invitation of the PLO. We were refused visas by the London Embassy of Lebanon and instead had…
Read MoreJohn McDonnell and Laura Pidcock Defy the Board of Deputies’s 10 Commandments by appearing in Zoom Conference with Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein
The Zionist Attempts to Close Down Debate on Zionism Lies in Ruins After Last Weekend’s LRC Conference At last Saturday’s Labour Representative Committee’s AGM John McDonnell and Laura Pidcock decided to take a day trip to the Left. Gone was the McDonnell who wanted war criminal Alistair Campbell reinstated in the Labour Party and who…
Read MoreViolence and Extreme Racism Against Palestinians will continue to be the norm as long as Israel is a Jewish state
In Poland and Germany they chanted ‘Death to the Jews’ – in Israel they chant Death to the Arabs’ – but if you compare this to the Nazis you are anti-Semitic! What is shocking about Israel is not the exceptional cases of violence and murder, such as the firebombing and burning alive of the Dawabshe’s five years ago. It was an attack…
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