America’s Jewish Currents, of which Peter Beinart is an Editor, says it represents the Jewish Left – but which Jewish Left?

America’s Jewish Currents, of which Peter Beinart is an Editor, says it represents the Jewish Left – but which Jewish Left? Jewish Currents refuses to print any response to Joshua Leifer’s ‘The real Corbyn Tragedy’ – finding that Corbyn should have prostrated himself to the Board of Deputies  America’s Jewish Currents describes itself as ‘a…

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Why Freedom of Speech is too important for the pro-Israel lobby and the Zionist movement to be allowed to destroy it

Why Freedom of Speech is too important for the pro-Israel lobby and the Zionist movement to be allowed to destroy it Campaign for Free Speech Rally Saturday December 12th Solidarity message from Tariq Ali: Angela Rayner tells #JLM2020: “If I have to suspend thousands and thousands of members, we will do that. Because we cannot and…

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Solidarity is the Bread and Butter of Socialism – That’s Why I Called Out the Participation of Novara Media in a Celebration of Jewish Radicalism

Solidarity is the Bread and Butter of Socialism – That’s Why I Called Out the Participation of Novara Media in a Celebration of Jewish Radicalism An Injury to One is an Injury to All – Rivkah Brown’s Attack on Chris Williamson as a ‘Jew Baiter’ Causes Jewish Voice for Labour to Withdraw It was two…

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Open Letter to Labour’s National Executive Committee – Freedom of Speech is a Right not a Privilege and it is not in the gift of Starmer’s Glove Puppet David Evans

Open Letter to Labour’s National Executive Committee – Freedom of Speech is a Right not a Privilege and it is not in the gift of Starmer’s Glove Puppet David Evans Your Dishonesty is Disconcerting  Your fight isn’t against anti-Semitism but the Palestinians Dear National Executive Member, I should congratulate you on the latest suspensions in the fight…

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You Couldn’t Make It Up – Alasdair Henderson, who Conducted the EHRC Investigation into Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’ Liked Tweets Defending Anti-Semitic Bigot Roger Scruton!

You Couldn’t Make It Up – Alasdair Henderson, who Conducted the EHRC Investigation into Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’ Liked Tweets Defending Anti-Semitic Bigot Roger Scruton! The EHRC Report Should be Rejected – it is not fit for purpose – That’s why Starmer has forbidden all discussion of this Flawed Report In the 1970s Martin Webster, National Organiser…

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