Defend Bristol University’s Professor David Miller – Defend Academic Freedom – Defend Free Speech
Defend Bristol University’s Professor David Miller – Defend Academic Freedom – Defend Free Speech It is no coincidence that as soon as Oxford and Bristol Universities Adopted the IHRA that the Zionists Came for Ken Loach and David Miller PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION IN SUPPORT OF PROFESSOR MILLER Last Saturday the newly formed Labour…
Read MoreThe Bigots of St. Peter’s College, Oxford Try to Ban Ken Loach from Speaking – All in the Name of ‘anti-Semitism’ of course!
The Bigots of St. Peter’s College, Oxford Try to Ban Ken Loach from Speaking – All in the Name of ‘anti-Semitism’ of course! The Real Concern of Oxford Students is that Loach has Fought All His Life Against the Privilege and Wealth that these Parasites Represent One of the most basic and fundamental principles of…
Read MoreLet us call Israel’s destruction of the Bedouin village of Humsa al-Baqai’a for what it is – a Nazi-like act
Let us call Israel’s destruction of the Bedouin village of Humsa al-Baqai’a for what it is – a Nazi-like act Three times Israel soldiers using JCB bulldozers have destroyed water tanks, toys and homes using the pretext that it is a military firing range From 1933 to 1941 the Nazi policy towards the Jews was…
Read MoreYou couldn’t make it up – Esther Giles, the Suspended Secretary of Bristol North-West CLP, is banned from speaking at a Labour Party meeting called to defend freedom of speech!
You couldn’t make it up – Esther Giles, the Suspended Secretary of Bristol North-West CLP, is banned from speaking at a Labour Party meeting called to defend freedom of speech! ‘TERFS’ are the new anti-Semites – trans rights activists are indulging in a heresy hunt reminiscent of the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on anti-Zionists I have…
Read MoreLabour Campaign for Free Speech Conference – Saturday February 13th 2 p.m. – It’s time to stand up and be counted
Labour Campaign for Free Speech Conference – Saturday February 13th 2 p.m. – It’s time to stand up and be counted As the Board of Deputies and Tory Students at Oxford University Try to Stop Ken Loach Speaking the Time to Defend Free Speech is Now I cannot remember a time when free speech has…
Read MoreEVERYDAY ZIONIST RACISM: The Israeli Policeman’s Lot is Not a Happy One as Plod is Caught Out Only Giving Arabs a Traffic Ticket
EVERYDAY ZIONIST RACISM: The Israeli Policeman’s Lot is Not a Happy One as Plod is Caught Out Only Giving Arabs a Traffic Ticket Israel’s Palestinians citizens are told ‘You are not Israelis you are Arabs’ as they are prevented from having a picnic in a ‘Jewish’ area It was with the best of intentions that an…
Read MoreIf Labour had elected a Stuffed Dummy It Could Not Have Done Worse than Keir Starmer – It’s Time For This Stiff To Depart
If Labour had elected a Stuffed Dummy It Could Not Have Done Worse than Keir Starmer – It’s Time For This Stiff To Depart 50,000 people have died because of this Government yet Starmer Stays Silent It’s not often that I agree with George Osborne, the former Tory Chancellor of Exchequer, but it is difficult…
Read MoreEXCLUSIVE: ‘Anti-Semitism Czar’ John Mann declares war on The Canary and Skwawkbox –in the name of fighting ‘anti-Semitism’!
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Anti-Semitism Czar’ John Mann declares war on The Canary and Skwawkbox –in the name of fighting ‘anti-Semitism’! When Theresa May appointed John Mann to lead the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ it was a case of one racist appointing another racist Perhaps the best description of John Mann came from the Employment Tribunal case of Fraser –v-…
Read MorePart 2: Review of Owen Jones ‘This Land’ – a liberal apologist for Israeli Apartheid who helped bring the Corbyn Project down
Part 2: Review of Owen Jones ‘This Land’ – a liberal apologist for Israeli Apartheid who helped bring the Corbyn Project down Jones description of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ demonstrates a ‘disconnect from reality which borders on hysteria’ I have devoted a whole blog to ‘The AntiSemitism Crisis’ in Owen Jones book, because he played a key role in…
Read MoreWhy did the Corbyn Project collapse? How did Labour go from near victory in 2017 to the biggest defeat since 1935?
Why did the Corbyn Project collapse? How did Labour go from near victory in 2017 to the biggest defeat since 1935? Review of Benjamin Pogrund and Patrick McGuire’s Left Out and Owen Jones This Land [PM] Reference to book by Pogrund and McGuire [OJ] Reference to book by Owen Jones There has been a marked reluctance by the Labour left…
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