My Youtube account has been banned for ‘hate speech’! Why? Because I posted a video showing fascist Israelis shouting ‘Hitler was right’ at other Jewish demonstrators!

My Youtube account has been banned for ‘hate speech’! Why? Because I posted a video showing fascist Israelis shouting ‘Hitler was right’ at other Jewish demonstrators! Using Youtube’s bizarre ‘logic’ any film about racism is automatically racist! Death to the Arabs March – this video was taken down by Youtube Over a decade ago I…

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Solidarity Triumphs Over Manchester University’s Cowardice and its Refusal to Defend Academic and Artistic Freedom

Solidarity Triumphs Over Manchester University’s Cowardice and its Refusal to Defend Academic and Artistic Freedom Open Letter to Professor Nalin Thakkar ‘Your Decision to Censor a Statement Supporting the Palestinians at the Whitworth Cloud Studies Exhibition is Shameful and Cowardly’ Below is a letter that I sent earlier today to Nalin Thakkar, Manchester University’s Vice…

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Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering

Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering  Brighton’s ‘Left’ Labour Councillors Endorse the Purge of Socialists by accepting False Anti-Semitism Allegations against 3 former Councillors In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council. It gained 20 seats…

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Terror in Palestine as Israel’s Military Death Squads Join the Settlers in Killing Palestinians

Terror in Palestine as Israel’s Military Death Squads Join the Settlers in Killing Palestinians  “If the soldiers had shot a dog… it would have attracted more attention. But a dead Palestinian child?… Why should it interest anyone, why is it important?” Gideon Levy Al-Harika, central Hebron: Settlers throw stones at Palestinian passersby and homes in presence…

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EXCLUSIVE: The Labour Party has threatened to sue me for libel because I called Regional Organiser, Scott Horner, a racist and anti-Semite!

EXCLUSIVE: The Labour Party has threatened to sue me for libel because I called Regional Organiser, Scott Horner, a racist and anti-Semite!  This is Chutzpah– after falsely accusing thousands of members of ‘anti-Semitism’ Labour sends me a 4 page solicitor’s letter – this is how Labour turns Zionists into victims Imagine my surprise when I…

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Hundreds Attend Demonstration outside Labour HQ against the proscription of 4 groups as Momentum pleads for unity with Starmer

Hundreds Attend Demonstration outside Labour HQ against the proscription of 4 groups as Momentum pleads for unity with Starmer  The NEC’s decision that those seeking office must undergo ‘anti-Semitism training’ by the JLM is like asking Tommy Robinson for advice on race relations. Although it only came together at the last minute, the joint demonstration outside…

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Whitewashing the role of the British Empire during the Palestine Mandate. What is the Balfour Project’s agenda?

Whitewashing the role of the British Empire during the Palestine Mandate. What is the Balfour Project’s agenda?  Eugene Rogan’s Theory ‘Neither Pro-Zionist nor Pro-Arab but Pro-Empire’ whitewashes the role of the British in Palestine The Balfour Project was formed in January 2017 during the 100th year since the Balfour Declaration. Its purpose was to counter the Zionist celebrations. Much of…

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