In search of poetic justice – The Life of a Jewish anti-Zionist
ERIC LEVY – A LIFE DEDICATED TO THE STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE 1928-2022 Below I’m happy to publish a passionate tribute to Eric Levy, a Jewish anti-Zionist who has just died aged 94, by Abbas Ali on behalf of In Minds, the Human Rights Group. Eric was very active in many causes. He was active in Revolutionary Communist Group…
Read MoreFocus on the Corrupt GMB – Institutionally Sexist, Racist and Zionist– a Union which Scabs on Workers
There is only one form of racism that the GMB opposes – ‘antisemitism’ – in other words it supports Israeli Apartheid The first time I became aware of the GMB, then the General and Municipal Workers Union, was when I was a young activist in 1970 during the Pilkington’s strike. Pilkingtons manufactured glass in St Helens,…
Read MoreRacist PayPal has Removed My Account of 15 Years Without Any Warning Whatsoever
PayPal is a signed up supporter of the Apartheid State of Israel and that it would appear is the reason for Removing My Account’s policy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is a form of digital discrimination, whereby Palestinians cannot access the service, while Israeli settlers in illegal settlements a few miles away can.…
Read MorePalestine Action Takes Action Against Death “R”Us Elbit Factory at Shenstone amid Nablus aggression
Can you Identify this Racist Scumbag in Cheadle Who Attacked an Indian Man Today? Does anyone know who this racist scumbag is? As you may know in the past 6 months Palestine Action has closed down 2 of Elbit’s 10 sites in Britain, at Oldham and their HQ in London. We have them on the…
Read MoreHow Trans Nazis Targeted A Jewish Anti-Zionist Candidate for Labour’s National Executive Committee with their demands for a Loyalty Oath
Since when is the Mantra that a Transwoman is a Woman the Litmus Test for Who to Support on the Left? Firstly to avoid any misrepresentation my reference to ‘trans Nazis’ is to be taken in the same way as references to ‘food Nazis’ which the Urban Dictionary defines as someone ‘who insists on dictating what others should…
Read MoreMUST SEE VIDEO – Starmer Stunned into Silence as Audrey White Confronts Him Over His Lies
Starmer sits in his Posh Restaurant like a Stuffed Dummy as he is told ‘You lied to the Party’ and ‘We may as well have a Tory’ Little did Starmer know who it was who confronted him in Liverpool today. He will know now! Audrey White is the original working class feminist. When she was sacked for standing up for 4 women who were…
Read MoreA Tribute To The Premiership of Boris Johnson from Peter Oborne
Boris Johnson is the most venal, the biggest liar, the most amoral & the most incompetent Prime Minister in British history – & that’s just for starters!
Read MoreSponsored Walk – East Sussex Freedom from Torture Walk – July 10th 2022
Thanks to you I helped raise a magnificent £1,590.39 breaking last year’s £1,300 I want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to my sponsored walk for 4-5 miles over the Sussex Downs 2 weeks ago, from Seven Sisters/Exceat to East Dene. It was pretty gruelling walk in 30+ degrees heat though, like…
Read MoreNot to be Missed – The Forde Report – Out At Last
The Forde Report and the Lessons of the Corbyn Years TONIGHT – WEBINAR 6 pm Register here or This is an extremely last minute response to the Forde Report which has just been issued, all 138 pages of it by the Labour Party after it ran out of excuses for delaying it any further. The Report…
Read MoreWinston Churchill – a Mass Murderer whose Good Fortune was in waging war against an even Greater Murderer
Decolonising Dunkirk – Genocidal White Supremacists at War with Each Other One of the things that stuck with me since living in Wales as a child was the hostility amongst Welsh workers to Churchill as a result of his sending the troops and police into the valleys to help the coal owners defeat the striking…
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