No Tears, No Joy –Elizabeth Windsor Faithfully Served the Rich, the Powerful and the Privileged Throughout Her Reign – She was No Friend of the Working Class or Oppressed
The Death of A Monarch is the Ideal Opportunity To Be Rid of the Monarchy – No one is Born to Rule Over Us James Connolly on the occasion of George V’s visit to Ireland in 1910 The Monarchy is, by definition, a reactionary institution based on the hereditary principle not merit. It is there…
Read MoreWhat is remarkable about Zionism’s claim to the ‘Promised Land’ is how careless they are about preserving its history
The irony of Zionism’s colonisation of Palestine is that it’s the Palestinians who are descended from the original Hebrew tribes When I listen to spokespersons for the settlers, people like Daniella Weiss who claim that God gave the Jews the Land of Israel, that they are merely ‘returning’ home, I can’t help wondering why it is that…
Read MoreThere is no energy or cost of living crisis – there is a crisis of capitalism
UPDATE Can’t Pay Won’t Pay Launch Meeting in Brighton Packed out – the Message is Clear – Heating is a Right Not A Privilege The meeting organised by Don’t Pay UK/Can’t Pay Brighton tonite (30 August) was packed out. Over 150 people attended. One of the largest meetings I have attended at the Friends Meeting House. …
Read MoreMy conversation with Ben Jamal of Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Zionism, Palestine Action and the Palestinian Authority
Having abandoned anti-Zionism, does PSC actually have any strategy other than Appeasing the Establishment and ‘Mainstreaming’? My interview on an independent Bristol radio station Ben Jamal, PSC and Zionism In the wake of my resignation from PSC, an organisation I helped found in 1982, Ben Jamal emailed me. His complaint was that I had misquoted…
Read MoreTen Year’s Hard Labour is the most important account yet of the defeat of the Corbyn Project
Chris Williamson describes how the Labour Right, with the complicity of Momentum, allowed the fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ narrative to destroy the Left Ten Year’s Hard Labour – Chris Williamson, Lola Books, 2022, pp. 394 There is a tendency amongst many on the left to engage in an uncritical adulation of Jeremy Corbyn now that we see how awful…
Read MoreThe Coming War with China – John Pilger
The ‘logic’ of the United States surrounding China with hundreds of bases is that it believes it can win a nuclear war The coming war with China We are living through a unique juxtaposition of events. A proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and a cold turning ever hotter war with China. Naturally the concern…
Read MoreWhy is it 27 years later, later, the Queen of Hearts strikes fear into the Monarchy & the British Establishment?
The reason the BBC wants to bury Diana’s Panorama Interview has nothing to do with fake bank statements – it’s about protecting Charles Martin Bashir Interviews Princess Diana for Panorama 20.11.95. I don’t expect the interview to remain up for long as Youtube has already placed this warning Recently there was been quite a campaign…
Read MoreIsrael’s excuse for attacking Gaza, ‘Self Defence’, is no different from Hitler’s Excuse for Invading Poland – in both cases it was unprovoked
The real reason for the attack on Gaza lies not in immediate events but in the logic of Zionism – ethnic cleansing Last Monday 1st August Israeli soldiers arrested Bassam al-Saadi, a prominent figure in Islamic Jihad in Jenin refugee camp. Failing to provoke a response Israel decided anyway to restrict traffic around Israeli communities adjacent to the Gaza-Israel…
Read MorePlease Support Hafiza Qasimi, an Afghan woman and feminist artist, to come to Germany to study art in safety
Hafiza Qasimi is a Victim of American Imperialism’s Criminal Destruction of Afghan Society – Please Help Her Escape I have been asked my a German friend to post this on behalf of an Afghan woman who is the target of repression in the catastrophe that American imperialism has left. Afghanistan is another example of the…
Read MoreWhat is it that the Bigots and Conspiracy Theorists fear about Drag Queens reading stories to children?
Demonstrators in Brighton and Hove see off an assortment of racists and fascists led by the King of Conspiracy Theorist, Piers Corbyn There was a demonstration by hundreds of people on Thursday at Brighton’s Jubilee Library against an assortment of fascists, cranks and conspiracy theorists who were attempting to prevent drag queen Aida H Dee…
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