The Chutzpah of the Guardian’s Zionist Gatekeeper, Jonathan Freedland
Freedland Calls on the Palestinians to Support Those Who Expelled Them and Stole Their Land in an Internal Jewish War over the Supreme Court If there is any journalist, and I use the word advisedly, who can claim the credit for the media’s ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn then that person is Jonathan Freedland.…
Read MoreKim Johnson MP called Israel an Apartheid Fascist State – When Threatened With Losing the Whip She Immediately Recanted
Johnson’s Cowardice When Confronted With Starmer’s McCarthyism Speaks Volumes About the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Left It was nothing if not predicable. A member of the Socialist Campaign Group collapsed like a pack of cards when threatened by Starmer’s bullies. Instead of standing her ground and defying Starmer to do his worst, instead…
Read MoreStarmer Forces Holocaust Survivor Stephen Kapos Out of the Labour Party as Part of the Fight Against ‘Anti-Semitism’
The London Labour Bureaucrat Who Threatened Stephen With Expulsion Didn’t Even Have the Courage to Give His Name On Friday January 27 the Socialist Labour Network organised a meeting for Holocaust Memorial Day under the title Reclaiming the Memory of All Those Who Died In The Nazi Holocaust. Unlike the official HMD commemorations, we remembered not just the…
Read MoreIn the Face of Fierce Competition ‘Lord’ John Mann Has Won the Award for Most Dishonest Politician of the Year – Again
Mann combines Opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ with Virulent Racism against Gypsies, Black and Muslim People Loudmouth Mann confronts Ken Livingstone I have covered John Mann before when he lied about and harassed a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt. In July 2019 John Mann was appointed by Theresa May as her advisor on ‘anti-Semitism’. In September Mann was made ‘anti-Semitism…
Read MoreHolocaust Memorial Day Meeting Friday January 27 6.30 p.m. – all Welcome
It’s Time To Reclaim the Memory of ALL Those Who Died in the Nazi Holocaust from Zionism and the Supporters of Israeli Apartheid Please Register Here Friday 27th March is Holocaust Memorial Day and the Socialist Labour Network is holding a meeting to remember and commemorate ALL the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Not only did 6 million Jews die…
Read More80,000 Israeli Jews Demonstrated to Defend A Racist Supreme Court and ‘Jewish’ Democracy
Israel’s Supreme Court is and always has been a Court of Ethnic Cleansing, Colonialism and Zionism 80,000 people, almost all of them Jewish, demonstrated last weekend against the judicial reforms of the new Coalition Government which would allow the Knesset to override any Supreme Court judgment by a one vote majority and which would enable the government…
Read MoreOverwhelming Public Support for NHS Strike Pickets but Starmer & Streeting Refuse to Support the Nurses
The Failure of Starmer & Streeting to Give Any Support to the Nurses Proves the Irrelevance of the Labour Party – We Need a New Working Class Socialist Party NHS Strike Picket Today at Brighton’s Sussex County Hospital As you can see from the video the NHS strikers have overwhelming public support. But public support doesn’t…
Read MoreSocialist History Society Talk on Zionism During the Holocaust 19.1.23
Zionist Historiography & the Distortion of the Lessons of the Holocaust Also livestreamed on YouTube Many people have asked me why did I write Zionism During the Holocaust? My answer is simple – Because the history of the Nazi holocaust and its place in history needs rescuing from Zionist falsifications, myths and distortions. I am not…
Read MoreRIP Kevin Higgins (1967-10 January 2023) – An Irish Rebel Poet Who Died Far Too Young & Who Never Compromised
Kevin Higgins was the Poet Laureate of the Socialist Left and an Inspiration to the Oppressed Kevin Higgins: Ode to Margaret Hodge It was with shock and a deep sadness that I awoke to the news that Kevin Higgins, the great socialist Irish poet had passed away. I first heard of Kevin when, on my expulsion…
Read MoreWhat is the Meaning of Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Israel’s Far-Right Government?
Those Who Think Israel is Becoming a Fascist State do Not Understand What Fascism is To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, when all those around you are losing their heads, it’s a good idea to keep a firm grip on your own head! Never has so much hysterical nonsense been written by so many as in the…
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