Black Lives Matter Takes Over Brighton With Monster Demonstration
It’s not about defence of statues of mass murderers but racism and police murder
[the sound quality on this video is not good – I recorded it using the gaming feature on Windows 10 [Windows Key+G and then Windows Key + AltR] if anyone knows why there is this background interference please let me know at [email protected]]
Chichester also saw a massive demonstration
And they came in their thousands, from everywhere. As I drove to the demonstration I could see that this was going to be a massive demonstration. As we were setting up a Palestine photo shot at the Clocktower, people streamed passed from the station in their multitudes.
It is difficult to estimate how large the demonstration was. At least 15,000 and possibly more. It was the largest demonstration I’ve seen in Brighton in over 45 years of living here.I brought with me an Open Letter to the Leader of Brighton and Hove Council Nancy Platts and the Leader of the Green Group, Phelim MacCafferty.
Last week Platts and MacCafferty sent a statement Brighton & Hove City Council stands in solidarity with protesters in America in which they said “As anti-imperialists we recognise that America has been built on the slavery, dispossession and subjugation of its native and BAME population.’
These are the same people who supported in October 2018 the adoption by Brighton and Hove Counci of the Zionist IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism which characterises anything except anodyne criticism of Israel as ‘anti-Semitic’.
The IHRA was a definition written in Israel and for the benefit of Israeli colonialism. Because of the way it has been used to brand support for the Palestinians as ‘anti-Semitic’ even its author, American academic Kenneth Stern has branded it, in testimony to the US Congress as ‘chilling’ free speech and gone to describe it in the Guardian as a weapon in the hands of the Zionist Right to prevent free speech.
None of this prevented Platts and MacCafferty supporting this imperialist definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ at the same time trying to be seen as supporting Black Lives Matter. It’s what’s called hypocrisy.Below are some photos from the demonstration.
Tony Greenstein