You would be hard pushed to find a more virulently anti-Semitic site than The Radical Press of Canada. Jewish conspiracy theories ooze from every pore.
There is for example Brother Daniel’s incisive article entitled (what else?!)
By Brother Nathanael KapnerBrother Nathanael
AMERICA IS NOW A JEW-RUN NATION. Here is a list of the prominent Jews who run America:
I’ll skip the list but I think you’ll get the message.
Elsewhere we learn that ‘Judaism is a “chameleon” culture/religion. It “becomes” whatever is necessary in order to deceive and trick non-Jews’
Or take another of the endless articles about Jews:
Hate and Endless Anathemas Upon All Our Goyim Heads
By Patrick Grimm
February 16, 2008
From this tome of wisdom and wit we learn that
‘As much as Jews try to pretend they subscribe to a “free to be you and me” type of multi-culti Kumbayah group-hugging Politics of Meaning, this is only a façade, a mugging for the cameras, to obscure the deep and abiding unspoken hate and endless anathemas they daily declare upon ALL of our Goyim heads. As an escapee from the Jewish prison cult of haughty, hooked-sixer-schnozzed personalities, Israel Shamir explains, Jews see non-Jews as “children of a lesser God.” In other words, we are throwaways, we are urchins and ratty ragamuffins…. Understand one thing. Jews have not been victimized more than non-Jews. They just own all the newspapers so that they are able to tell the world if one of their own gets a paper cut or nicks himself with a knife and blames it on a Muslim or spray-paints a swastika on a Jew’s headstone or leaves a ZOG on a Jew day center and pins it on the nearest white person, and God help that Caucasian if he is racially aware. But be that as it may, any anti-Jewish action will be blamed on the Other, always, even after it has been discovered to have been staged.’
And in case this is not enough, then there is plenty more of this fare. There are articles about anti-Semitism, Jewish Porn Industry, Jewish Lobby, Jews Behind Bolshevik Revolution, Alternative Media, Zionist Jews in Russia, Germany, Jews, Ernst Zundel, Jewish Banking Cartel, Jewish Holocaust Industry, Human Rights/orgs, Israel Shamir/writer, B’nai Brith, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jewish Media Monopoly, Canadian Jewish Congress, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
What is interesting is that the site quotes from Israel Shamir. Apart from being an open holocaust denier (Israel Shamir denies that Auschwitz was an extermination, it was merely an ‘internment camp’) he has also come out as a supporter of paedophillia in an article defending Catholic priests who abuse children in their care. Darkness from the West. Note the following disgusting and obscene comments.
‘I do not feel sorry for these late claimants. Why did they wait for 20 years? If a boy or a girl is being attacked, he or she may scream and run to parents or to police. If they did not do it, just forget it. Consider it a clumsy pass, an unpleasant experience, a result of misunderstanding. Blame yourself for indecisiveness. Proceed with your life. Join mankind: every one of us, even your mommy and daddy, suffered an unwanted kiss or an undesired embrace. The laws should be reasonable, – allowing 20-year old claims for such events is not reasonable. Only an immediate complaint should be considered valid, and 24 hours is as long as should be allowed, in some extreme cases.’
So a child, who may feel shame, embarrassment, guilt or simply not understand what is happening to him/her, who does not report abuse within 24 hours should be ignored. Shamir makes it clear, in his own words, that ‘I do not feel sorry for these late claimants’. And that is true. He feels sorry for the perpetrators – the abusers. The British House of Lords has just ruled that a woman who was a victim of rape 20 years ago can sue because it, being a civilised body, understands why victims of abuse often take years to report what has happened.
And what does this creature Shamir write?
‘The Americans over-simplify the question of sex with minors, when they present it as something monstrous. This is not so…. The Americans and the Brits invented a silly concept of “statutory rape” as if a state prosecutor knows better than boys and girls what they want… ‘
Of course Shamir is not only an anti-Semite but a supporter of the most racist Zionist party of all, Yisrael Beteinu. And why? Because it is Russian like himself!! Seriously, a party whose leader Avigdor Liebermann openly supports transfer of the Palestinians and called for the execution of Arab Israeli MKs is apparently the ‘least racist’ of Israeli Zionist parties!
‘As a matter of fact, the YB is the least Jewish nationalist party in the Knesset outside the Arab block, as it is the party of the Russian, heavily non-Jewish community in Israel.’
Israel Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman called for the execution of any Arab MKs who meet with representatives of the Palestinian Authority’s Hamas-led government during a speech delivered to the Knesset plenum on Thursday.
“World War II ended with the Nurenberg trials,” Lieberman said. “The heads of the Nazi regime, along with their collaborators, were executed. I hope this will be the fate of the collaborators in [the Knesset].” 4.5.06.
Now Mary Rizzo, Atzmon’s lapdog naturally defended The Radical Press when it put its name to the petition that Rizzo and Atzmon drew up complaining that I had unfairly criticised them (all criticism by definition is unfair according to these two):
Post 242
‘THIS is what I wrote in support of Radical Press:Jan 17, 2008
Dear Editor,
The issue of peace in the Middle East is far too important for anyone to attempt to think it can only be dealt with between other “more important” issues such as sporting events and what Paris Hilton is doing these days. Yet, I do understand (as I am a journalist myself) that people do like to read things they already agree with that don’t challenge anything they think they already know, and especially, they don’t get encouraged to think out of the box.
At any rate, The Radical Press presents thought-provoking and intelligent information and analysis. It is absolutely NOT anti-Semitic, but many who might not agree with its harsh critique on Israel might try to label it as such, so that people will create confusion between the two, and things never change.
I hope you realise that it is a valuable resource, and any campaigning made to insinuate that it is a racist site is not at all accurate.’
Mary Rizzo
Uh… where do I endorse Anti-Semitism Goodwind?
When it was pointed out to Rizzo that even by her definition, The Radical Press was anti-Semitic, she began to backtrack:
‘The Radical Press had come under pressure by some people who wanted it to be closed down. Knowing who most of these people are, it was easy enough for me to assume they were considering things in a way that was jaundiced. It was odd that it was Anti-Zionist Jews doing it, not Zionists…’
Why is it odd that anti-Zionists criticise a racist site? If you oppose Zionism shouldn’t you oppose all racism? Rizzo however was in a tight corner.
‘This happens far too often for me to believe it is simply accidental.’
It’s a conspiracy theory in other words.
‘The Radical Press explained to me that they were an anti-Zionist site and that they were dedicated to the Palestinian cause. So, I went to the site, took a look, not deeply, basically into a few issues on Palestine that were good, because I don’t have all the time Tony, andy and Goodwin have, and it looked fine to me…. I defend the rights of bloggers dedicated to the Palestinian cause to do what they do, who come under attack far too often. If they are being forced to change because of pressure, I will defend them to NOT have to endure pressure. I don’t see Tony running around to close ZIONIST blogs and sites, not in the slightest, so I am not going to campaign to have Pro-Palestinian ones shut down…. Why should I feel ashamed to defend an editor in a site? I can’t vouch for the entire site, and why should I? Who am I, the thought police? I can find Brother Kapner’s article a total piece of shite, and it probably is, but I am not about to waste time to investigate every article on Jews, nor read them because someone wants me to express some opinion. It simply is not that interesting to me. I look at the value of a site in how they are able to express the Palestinian cause as being the result of Zionism and of the lack of awareness as to what Zionism is. I am not going to delve into the rest, because my time is limited.
Comment by thecutter — 12 February, 2008 @ 7:08 pm
In fact I haven’t tried to close any sites down, although I’d be quite happy to close down both holocaust denial and Zionist sites which print this racist rubbish. All I was doing was to point out how vile this signatory to the Rizzo/Atzmon petition was and how strange that Rizzo sees them as supporters of the Palestinians and jumps into bed with them. However even Rizzo, who is not the world’s brightest spark, knew she was on a loser and was forced to eat some humble pie.
‘In fact, now you can dance around claiming victory because I tell you I didn’t read the whole site and my views were expressed on the articles that are relevant to Zionism and Israel, which is what I am interested in. If there are things that are questionable, I regret that I defended a site I do not know like the pockets of my jeans, knowing that anything and everything will be used by those trying to attack me who have nothing to do all day but plug my name in on Google. It is tiring being stalked guys, you can stop now, unless you think this is political activism. I think it is sick in the head and deranged….’
[And more self-pity by the poster of more anti-Semitic nonsense than one can keep up with]
Comment by thecutter — 12 February, 2008 @ 10:42 pm
But the point is that even Mary Rizzo has her limits. Even she can recognise that there are some sites beyond the pale. She therefore, belatedly, removed the Radical Press from the list of signatories to the Petition that she and Atzmon drew up supporting themselves against the persecution of anti-Zionists, and which she got a couple of Palestinians to front. She even removed a link to David Duke of the KKK’s ‘nowars’ site.
But Atzmon is made of sterner stuff. Having now come out as a holocaust denier he is deliberately posting to The Radical Press. And why not? After all he is on record as stating that
‘Because ‘antisemite’ is an empty signifier, no one actually can be an antisemite and this includes me of course.’ And if there is no such thing as anti-Semitism then how can The Radical Press be anti-Semitic? Indeed how can anyone, from Paul Eisen to Israel Shamir to Horst Mahler and David Duke be anti-Semitic? Clearly noone can.
Therefore it is no surprise to see the following on the RFP site:
Gilad Atzmon – The Primacy of the Ear
Thursday, January 10th, 2008
[Thanks to Gilad for sending along this wonderful article. Ed.]
——Gilad Atzmon – The Primacy of the Ear
Chief rabbi thanks Bush for ‘war against Iraq’
Thursday, January 10th, 2008
[Thanks to Gilad Atzmon for sending this along. Ed.]
It is touching to see The Radical Press acknowledging that for all Rizzo’s previous guff about not linking to Holocaust denial sites, Atzmon actually posts his drivel to them!
Tony Greenstein