Tony Greenstein | 30 June 2012 | Post Views:


Even Students in John McCain’s State of Arizona are turning against Israel

is a good example of how the argument for Israel and Zionism has collapsed,
even in its United States heartland.  To
those who say it doesn’t matter or it is ‘book burning’ I say that the precondition
for the success of BDS is the delegitimisation of the concept of a Jewish state
and the removal of the belief that Israel is a democratic oasis in the Middle
East.  In other words, the political and
ideological attack against the Israeli state is extremely important.
focus by those like the Reut Institute on delegitimisation of Israel is
in fact correct.  Their problem is that
they are defending the indefensible.  If
a Jewish state means ensuring a Jewish majority and therefore expelling after a
few pogroms non-Jewish refugees from Africa, how is that different from other
racist states?  Is not the goal of a Jewish
state racist in itself, given the context in which it has arisen?


BDS roundup: Arizona StateUniversity student government votes to divest from Israel

by nora on Wed, 06/06/2012 – 22:20
In this
week’s roundup of news from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions
movement, Arizona State University’s student government votes to divest from
Israel; Evergreen State College’s student-run campus cafe boycotts Israeli
products; Italian activists urge the city of Venice to boycott Sodastream; and
student government at Arizona
State University
took a powerful stand on the last day of the school year
last week, when it unanimously passed a
demanding that ASU divest from and blacklist companies that continue
to provide the [Israeli army] with weapons and militarized equipment or are
complicit with the genocidal regime in Darfur.”
In a
press announcement, Students for
Justice in Palestine’s ASU chapter
announcement, coming on the last day of the 2012 school year, is another victory
in the global call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) on Israel as
well as other global solidarity movements calling for the end to human rights
State University, a university with an endowment of over $735 million, aspires
to be the “New American University” with globally engaged students. We,
students, at ASU want our university to make socially responsible investment
decisions; we also want ASU’s investments to reflect its values as an
institution. The bill calls for ASU to divest from and blacklist companies such
as Alliant Tech Systems, Boeing,
Caterpillar, Motorola, United
Technologies, Petrochina, China National Petroleum Company, Sinopec, Oil and
Natural Gas Company, and Alstom.
This is
not the first time ASU has divested from companies supporting human rights
abuses. In 1985 Arizona public universities supported divestment from apartheid
South Africa. The
undergraduate student government has also supported the idea of the creation of
an Advisory Committee for Socially Responsible Investing on campus in the past.
This is just another step in the right direction for the New American
University. The bill concludes, “that the [ASU] Undergraduate Student
Government supports on-campus divestment from and blacklisting of corporations
that are complicit in human rights abuses in the occupied Palestinian
Territories and Sudan.”
ASU has
been a flashpoint of cross-struggle student activism, as students from Latin@
groups and Students for Justice in Palestine — and students in solidarity with
both — have come together in support of global social justice and human rights
(Latin@ is a gender neutral term for Latino and Latina).
In March,
students from M.E.Ch.A, the largest Latin@ student group in the US, voted
overwhelmingly to endorse BDS
, following the previous BDS endorsement by
ASU’s own M.E.Ch.A chapter.
year, legendary scholar Dr. Cornel West lent
his support to the student groups at ASU
who work to support BDS and the
threatened ethnic studies classes on campus.
In a
similar solidarity action on another Arizona campus, students at the University
of Arizona at Tucson constructed
a mock wall on campus
 to bring attention to both the militarized wall
Israel has built in the West Bank, and the militarized wall along the US-Mexico
Evergreen State College’s student-run campus cafe
boycotts Israeli products
another victory on a US college campus, the Flaming Eggplant Cafe, a
student-run collective at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, voted
on 4 June to boycott Israeli goods
local, student-led BDS group, TESC-Divest! stated
on its website
to the Flaming Eggplant’s mission statement, one of the cafe’s goals is to
“nourish the local food system by making delicious, healthy, ecologically and
socially just food accessible to all.” In its statement of principles, the
collective also expresses its commitment to “supporting political participation
and direct action to create a just and egalitarian society.”
Coordinator Cris Papaiacovou said, “We came to a consensus as a collective to
support the Palestinian civil society call for BDS because it is directly in
line with our mission and statement of principles.” He added, “We are proud to
join this non-violent movement to pressure Israel until it ends its human
rights violations against Palestinians.”
… The
café’s support of the boycott becomes the latest victory in ongoing student-led
activism for Palestinian human rights at TESC. In the Spring of 2010, the
student body voted overwhelmingly to support two resolutions, one calling for
divestment from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation of Palestine, and
the other prohibiting the use of Caterpillar Inc. equipment on campus. Rachel Corrie, an
Evergreen student, was killed in 2003 by a weaponized Caterpillar bulldozer
operated by the Israeli military as she attempted to prevent the demolition of
a Palestinian family’s home in the Gaza Strip.
“We are
incredibly proud of the Flaming Eggplant for taking this stand,” said Elizabeth
Moore, a student and TESC Divest! organizer. “Due to the absence of
accountability shown by our administration, we as students will continue to
take the initiative in promoting a just peace in Palestine and Israel.”
at The Flaming Eggplant, after making their decision, explained why they came
out in support of BDS at the cafe:
Our Mission
Statement outlines a commitment to serving socially just food. Israel’s policy
of illegal land seizure and destruction on Palestinian lands means purchasing
items from Israel is in conflict with our mission.
As a
student-run collective with the stated principle of supporting direct action
for a just and egalitarian society, and as a café representing the student body
at large, we feel it is important to uphold the desire for boycott and
divestment as voted for by the students at The Evergreen State College.

Italian BDS activists tell city of Venice to
terminate all relations with Sodastream

with BDS Italia and Stop Sodastream released a strong statement to the city of
Venice this week, experssing their outrage at a city-sponsored promotional
event on 27 May — dubbed “Join the Stream” — organized by Sodastream, an Israeli
corporation that manufactures its products in an illegal
in the occupied West Bank. Sodastream products are sold in
numerous chain stores across the US, Canada and Europe.
‘We are
stunned to see the City of Venice involved in a shrewd marketing ploy aimed at
creating an image of Sodastream as a company committed to environmental
sustainability. In fact, behind this facade of a socially responsible business,
Sodastream hides an ugly truth: its main manufacturing facility is in the
occupied Palestinian territories in the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma’aleh
Adumim. Sodastream is thus an accomplice of the Israeli occupation and profits
from the systematic violation of international law and basic human rights of
the Palestinian people.
marketing campaign in Italy, with an investment of 3 million [euros] for 2012,
seeks to leverage this image of an “ecological company,” organizing initiatives
to involve individuals and organizations who, in good faith, think they are
simply participating in activities in favor of the environment.

Unfortunately, in the case of the City of Venice, support for Sodastream goes
beyond the sponsorship of publicity events to include direct promotion of
Sodastream products. The April newsletter for Veritas, the local public
utility, included a discount coupon for the purchase of a Sodastream home
carbonation device. This collaboration places the City at risk of being an
accomplice of the Israeli military occupation through direct support of a
company that produces in an illegal settlement.
consider this inconsistent with the Charter of the City, Article 2, vowing to
“recognize the human right to water, specifically, access to water as a
universal, indivisible, inalienable human right, and the status of water as a
public common good.” This right is denied to Palestinians under occupation,
from whom Israel has expropriated water sources via the construction of the
Wall and settlements, and forces Palestinians to purchase water at higher
prices from the national Israeli company Mekorot.
statement then called on the city of Venice to “terminate all relations with
the Israeli company Sodastream and its representatives in Italy,” and “to use
its influence as a shareholder, together with other municipalities that have
stakes in the public company, to demand that Veritas immediately discontinue
participation in promotions of Sodastream products.”
entire statement can be read on the Stop
Agrexco Italia website

Minnesota Break the Bonds Campaign appeal dismissal
of Israeli bonds lawsuit

with the Minnesota Break the Bonds
, which aims to stop the state from investing in companies that are
involved with Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians, filed an
appeal on 31 May asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to “reverse a lower
court ruling dismissing the group’s lawsuit against the State Board of
Investment (SBI).”
In a press release, organizers with
MN BBC stated:
lawsuit, filed in late 2011, contends that the SBI’s investments of millions of
dollars in Israel Bonds are unlawful and imprudent. It alleges that the SBI’s
statutory authorization to invest public employee pension funds, found in
Section 11A.24 of the Minnesota Statutes, does not authorize the SBI to invest
in Israel Bonds and that the SBI has done so unlawfully and with impunity. The
lawsuit further alleges that the SBI’s investments in Israel Bonds are
providing substantial material support for Israel’s human rights violations,
including its illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian
territories which have been universally condemned as violations of the Fourth
Geneva Convention. The lawsuit further alleges that the SBI’s material support
of Israel’s human rights abuses exposes the SBI and ultimately Minnesota
taxpayers to lawsuits brought against them by victims of Israel’s human rights
Margaret Marrinan had ruled in the lower court that the plaintiffs lacked
standing to bring the lawsuit, that the language of the Minnesota Statute in
question allowed the SBI to invest in any governmental bond of any country in
the world; that this is a “political question” best left to other branches of
government to decide; and that merely investing millions of dollars in the
government bonds of another country, regardless of that country’s human rights
record, is not sufficient to prove that the SBI is aiding and abetting human
rights violations.
believes that the lower court ruling is seriously flawed and that the appeal
has exceptional merit. Minnesota law gives taxpayers and state pension plan
beneficiaries standing to challenge the SBI’s investment decisions. MN BBC
includes members meeting both criteria. The Minnesota Statute in question
clearly does not permit the SBI to invest state funds in Israel’s government
bonds and making an exception for Israel allows for other absurd exceptions.
Further, the lawfulness of the SBI’s fiscal decisions is subject to court
review. It is not a “political question.” Finally MN BBC contends that
providing substantial material assistance to Israel’s illegal activities is
sufficient to expose Minnesota and its taxpayers to claims and lawsuits.
a group of Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, students, professionals,
parents, community members and allies working together to promote equality,
justice and human rights by educating Minnesota communities about injustices
being suffered by Palestinians. MN BBC believes that the people of Minnesota
have the moral obligation to make sound investments that will not aid the
oppression of any race, creed or people.
Copies of
the lawsuit and the appeal are available on the MN BBC website.

French BDS activists: “Israel, ça groove pas”
(“Israel, it doesn’t groove”)

BDS activists have launched a campaign against the “100 Tel Aviv Jazz”
festival, organized by the Israeli embassy in France, taking place this week in
with BDS France appealed to local jazz
clubs with a letter, which states in part (translated to English):
You would
never have accepted to host in your clubs South African artists financed by the
apartheid government; therefore we ask you to hear the call of Palestinian
civil society and their Israeli and international partners, and to stand on the
side of justice, by refusing the money which would make you accomplices to the
crimes of these sponsors.
So please
stay true to the code of ethics, don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated,
refuse to be part of the propaganda which, under the guise of “cultural
openness”, seeks to hide the realities of a colonial apartheid state which is
the State of Israel.
activists also made a
YouTube video (in French) to protest the event and Israeli propaganda
entitled “Israel, ça groove pas” (“Israel, it doesn’t groove”).
Who Profits’ new report on Ahava
Who Profits, the
research project of the Coalition of Women for Peace, released
a new report on the business and trade of Ahava-Dead Sea Laboratories
, the
Israeli cosmetics company that operates out of illegal settlements in the West
to Who Profits, the purpose of this updated report “is to explore the various
companies that make up the supply chain of a company involved in the occupation
as these companies are participating in practices that, on their face, are in
violation of international law. As this report exposes, the company also uses
natural resources from the occupied area in its mud products.”
write-up of the report adds:
The Ahava factory and visitors’
center is located in the Mitzpe Shalem settlement, on the shore of the Dead Sea
in the occupied part of the Jordan Valley and a large percentage of Ahava
shares are held by two Israeli West Bank settlements.

The report
can be downloaded off the Who Profits website by
clicking here

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Tony Greenstein

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