Tony Greenstein | 19 January 2009 | Post Views:

Indict Olmert, Lipni and Barak as War Criminals
These are the results of the bombing of an UNRWA School in Beit Lahia. Two children died, others are horrifically injured

These are some of the most horrific images one can imagine. White phosphorous ignites spontaneously above 15C and burns at 1300C. It causes horrific burns and water will only feed it oxygen. Its use, like all chemical weapons, against civilians is forbidden though it was used extensively in the second world war in tank warfare. To use white phosphorous to bomb a UN school is without doubt a war crime and of course the two people killed were children. The following images show that Israel’s excuses for what it did are the lies one expects of a war criminal state. Tony Greenstein

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Tony Greenstein

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