Tony Greenstein | 03 November 2012 | Post Views:

Christian Bigot Objected to the Police when I called her a Christian Bigot!

After a frustrated Zionist became violent

Apparently this photo of Zionist women putting on handcuffs is libellous!
Another Successful Mobilisation Against    ‘Eco’ Stream

Once again Brighton PSC and others demonstrated outside Sodastream in Brighton, or Ecostream as it calls itself (!), to express their opposition to the sale of stolen goods from stolen land.  Apart from an incident at the end when a Zionist launched an attack on me, clearly the frustration is showing, the event was remarkably uneventful.  A big thank you to Michael and friend, ex of the Ahava demonstration, for coming down from London.

Oh and one hysterical Zionist woman who accosted me saying that I had libelled her by printing her photo on last week’s report.  Quite how a photograph can be libellous I couldn’t work out unless she believes it paints her as even more unattractive than she is in person!  So I shall reprint it again!

The main theme of the Christian Fundamentalist woman in blue was that the Occupation provides Palestinians with jobs!  I seem to recall that this was the favourite argument of Margaret Thatcher and apologists for Apartheid (South African version).  Apartheid provided jobs and boycotts hurt the Black so, ipso facto, one must oppose Boycott and thereby support Apartheid.  The racism seeps out of the pores of these people.
Tony Greenstein

For more information on Sodastream see codepink, Palestine Chronicle and Jewish Voices 4 Peace

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Tony Greenstein

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