Tony Greenstein | 08 March 2017 | Post Views:

‘Of course Israel is an Apartheid society’

In the current climate, this is a must watch film.  In it Israeli TV host, in a satirical
programme say that of course Israel is an Apartheid society.
In Britain, in the current climate it is now – thanks to the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism – anti-Semitic
to call Israel an Apartheid state.  This
ethno-supremacist state is treated as a ‘liberal democracy’ according to the Home
Affairs Select Committee Report
on Anti-Semitism which first recommended
adoption of a definition of anti-Semitism which conflates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
It says:

‘23.      It is clear that where
criticism of the Israeli Government is concerned, context is vital. Israel is
an ally of the UK Government and is generally regarded as a liberal democracy, in which the actions of the Government are openly debated
and critiqued by its citizens.
It goes on to say that:24.   
•           It is not antisemitic to hold the
Israeli Government to the same standards
as other
liberal democracies,

In other words if you don’t treat Israel as a liberal
democracy then that is anti-Semitic. 
Assaf Harel’s scathing indictment of Israeli society has
gone viral.
An Israeli comedy show host’s searing indictment of Israeli
society has gone viral on social media, raking in over 5,000 shares in the two
days since it was posted on the show’s Facebook page on Monday.
In the video, Assaf Harel of “Good Night With Asaf
castigates Israelis for ignoring the occupation and claims that
Israel is an apartheid state.
“Good Night,” which was aired by Channel 10, was
one of Israel’s most controversial shows on mainstream television in recent
years. In one instance, the show was fined after Harel ridiculed Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu for exploiting his brother’s death for political gain.

The episode was “Good Night’s” last, as the show
was not renewed for another season due to poor ratings, even though the show
has gained a strong following on social media.

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Tony Greenstein

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