Stirring up hatred – CAA exonerates the far-Right and blames Anti-Zionists and Muslims for anti-Semitism

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism hypes up fears of ‘anti-Semitism’ as part of the Zionist campaign to ‘persuade’ British Jews that Israel is their real home Despite the evidence from the CST’s  Incidents Report that 115 out of 176 anti-Semitic incidents are from the far-Right, it is ‘Islamist’ and ‘far-left’ anti-Semitism that concerns the racist CAA…

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EXCLUSIVE – Lifting the lid on Collaboration between the Far Right and Zionist Activists

Zionist Demonstration Outside Palestine Expo 2017 included neo Nazi group Britain First’s Intelligence Chief Paul Besser and Jonathan Hoffman Paul Besser – Intelligence Chief of neo-Nazi group Britain First with Jonathan Hoffman – JDL member Gemma Sheridan is between them Hoffman tries to deny Besser is in neo-Nazi group Britain First Outside the Ahava shop…

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