Momentum’s Refusal to Support Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi for Labour’s NEC was Not About Trans-rights but Zionism & Palestinian Rights

 If the Labour Left is to have any future it must first strangle Lansman’s Bastard Offspring If there is one group, above all others, which bears responsibility for the defeat of the Corbyn project it is Momentum.  As the Al Jazeera programme, The Labour Files Parts 1, 2 and 3, make clear the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ in the Labour Party was entirely bogus,…

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The Noble Sayings of Lord Bassam & The Mask of Castleraigh

From Squatter to Hired Lackey  Career Without Principle A Political Sketch by Tony Greenstein £300 a day attendance allowance proved too attractive as the fiercely hostile Republican took his seat in the Lords Nearly 20 years ago I penned a satirical pamphlet on someone who, at that time, personified the Labour Right in Brighton.  Today he…

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Women’s Liberation & Class Oppression – Camilla Power

The SWP and the Personal is Political I received, out of the blue, an article (see below) from Camilla Power, a socialist Darwinian anthropologist in her words and a feminist. The trigger for the article was the decision by the Socialist Workers Party Central Committee to protect the reputation of one of their own, former…

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