The IHRA Definition of ‘Anti-Semitism’ Claims Its First Victim

FREE SPEECH UNDER ATTACK Dudley Council officer Paul Jonson is suspended for saying that Israel is a racist endeavour  Please sign petition in support of Paul Johnson here As I have been saying for some time, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance so-called definition of anti-Semitism is not about fighting hatred of Jews.  Its sole purpose…

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Why are the Officers and Employees of Civil Liberties Group Liberty Refusing to Implement its Policy of Opposition to the IHRA?

According to Liberty’s Olivia Percival, ‘Liberty is not actively campaigning against the IHRA definition’ Liberty, formerly known as the National Council for Civil Liberties, was founded in 1934. This was a time of heightened anti-fascist activity in which the Jews of the East End of London were under attack from Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists.  In…

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Open Letter to Caroline Lucas – You can’t run with the Palestinian hare and hunt with the Zionist hounds – You are either with the Oppressed or the Oppressor

Why are you supporting the IHRA, a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’, whose sole purpose it is to Chill Free Speech and Sanitise Apartheid? An alliance of 31 countries dedicated to using the Holocaust to legitimise Zionism Dear Caroline, During last year’s General Election you wrote to me explaining that: ‘it’s vital that we do more to…

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We are facing a Coup by Attrition as the Zionists and the BBC pore over every last word Corbyn has ever uttered

The Zionist war against Corbyn could become a self-fulfilling prophecy and INCREASE anti-Semitism Many people who are deceived into thinking that the Zionist groups attacking Corbyn represent all of British Jews, who believe the lie that the Board of Deputies represents all Jews rather than the most reactionary and racist section of Jews, are likely to…

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