Auschwitz and Gaza Comparisons – Are there any limits to Corbyn’s ritual self-humiliation? Being a Leader means standing up to your opponents not appeasing them

There is NOTHING wrong in comparing Israel to Nazi Germany – Israelis do it all the time. Is John McDonnell preparing to become Brutus to Corbyn’s Caesar? First it was a 6 year old mural. Today it is an 8 year old meeting on Holocaust Memorial Day at which Hajo Meyer, a Jewish survivor of…

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The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism – Whilst Hungary’s Anti-Semitic Prime Minister Orban is Welcomed by Netanyahu 3 Zionist Papers Jointly Attack Corbyn as ‘Anti-Semitic’

YOU CAN’T APPEASE ZIONISM It’s time McDonnell & Corbyn STOPPED started fighting back We Are Witnessing a Slow Motion Coup ISRAEL IS AN APARTHEID STATE AND SAYING SO IS NOT ANTI-SEMITIC Open Letter to Stephen Pollard, Editor of the Jewish Chronicle It’s true – the idiocy and malevolence of the front pages are ‘unprecedented’ whether they should boast about…

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If Corbyn Doesn’t Slay the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Dragon It Will Slay Him

By refusing to confront the Israeli State’s representatives in Labour, Corbyn is Building his own Funeral Pyre “What started organically, therefore, morphed into a planned campaign to create a coalition of mostly Jewish activist academics, pro-Israel and national representative bodies in the Jewish Diaspora, and the aforementioned major American Jewish organizations to take the discussions…

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The Battle of McNicol’s Succession – Open Letter to Jon Lansman

Labour Against the Witchhunt, the LRC and John McDonnell all say SUPPORT JENNY FORMBY Front-runner in battle to become Labour Party General Secretary both Corbyn and McDonnell back Jenny Formby Jon Lansman is now effectively the candidate of the Right Lansman’s Weasel Words Letter to an old friend, Jon Lansman, re General Secretary of the Labour Party Dear Jon,…

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