Open Letter to Caroline Lucas – You can’t run with the Palestinian hare and hunt with the Zionist hounds – You are either with the Oppressed or the Oppressor

Why are you supporting the IHRA, a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’, whose sole purpose it is to Chill Free Speech and Sanitise Apartheid? An alliance of 31 countries dedicated to using the Holocaust to legitimise Zionism Dear Caroline, During last year’s General Election you wrote to me explaining that: ‘it’s vital that we do more to…

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Housing project ‘is completely Jewish’

How quaint.  Having ethnically cleansed Jaffa, Israel Land Fund is now selling off a 100% Jewish development.  As the Israel Residence Administration, which is advertising the apartments on its website, said:  ‘it is important to note that this is private land and privately organized for buyers from a similar background.” Private racism in Israel is…

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