Posts Tagged ‘Huda Ammori’
Why the Palestine solidarity movement should have nothing to do with Peter Gregson
Statement from Palestine solidarity activists and organisations concerning Peter Gregson For a number of years Peter Gregson has been an activist on the fringes of the Palestine solidarity movement. Whereas previously he has been treated as a nuisance today his activities pose a threat to the solidarity movement and should be treated as such. Gregson…
Read MoreDefend the right to protest – Defend the right of juries to reach a verdict according to their conscience!
Show solidarity with the 4 Elbit activists who have been convicted of trying to prevent war crimes Registration Letter to Judge Reid from signholders This meeting has been called because 4 Palestine Action protesters, including myself, were convicted on May 16 of ‘intent to cause criminal damage’ to the Shenstone factory of Israeli arms company Elbit…
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