The Egyptian Police State & the War Against Democracy

It is one of the strange ironies of life that the leaders of the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ feel so more comfortable with a strong dictator than the more anarchic situation in Lebanon.  When Hosni Mubarak was in danger of falling victim to the Spring Revolution in Egypt,  Shimon Peres, Israel’s President and…

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New Film about Israeli War Crimes in 1967

In peoples’ understandable determination to uncover the truth of the Nakba and what happened in 1947-8, the massacres of the 1967 War have barely been covered.  Still from the film Censored Voices shows a former Israeli solider listening back to an interview, censored by the military after the 1967 war. Palestinian refugees from the 1948 War A…

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Israel’s disaster outreach does little to help its image Spare a thought for Israel’s propagandists.  It costs a pretty penny to send those relief teams across the world.  Their purpose is more to rehabilitate Israel’s image than relieve suffering.  After all if they want to relieve suffering they could stop trying to start wars against…

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Commentary on recent events in Egypt and Atzmon

On 13th May I wrote that I would not be continuing to blog for health reasons but the temptation sometimes to comment on current events is too great!  I explained that the blog was originally set up to combat the influence of Gilad Atzmon and in that it had succeeded, much to the annoyance of…

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The Muslim Brotherhood continues where Mubarak left off – maintaining Israel’s Blockade

The Muslim Brotherhood continues where Mubarak left off – maintaining Israel’s Blockade Egyptian women in Cairo march in protest at the military’s use of excessive force against women and unarmed protesters. Photograph: Mohamed Omar/EPA Hamas keeps silent about the betrayal of its fellow Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has always been a conservative, clerical…

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Egyptian Jews Invited to Return

Issam al-Aryan calls on Jews to return Palestinians, Egyptian Jews and propaganda Despite claims to the contrary, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows when Jewish Egyptians reflect on Egypt. Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University.  Last Modified: 07 Jan 2013 05:31 “The statements made by Issam…

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