Posts Tagged ‘Education Ministry’
Israel’s Education System Teaches Jewish children to Hate Palestinians
What religious and nationalist indoctrination in schools means for Israel’s future It is a common myth assiduously propagated by Israel’s supporters that whereas Israel inculcates respect in its Education system for Arabs, the same is not true of the Palestinian education system. A typical example is the article by neo-conservative Elliot Abrams for the Council…
Read MoreThe Only Democracy in the Middle East? The Most Hateful State in the Middle East
Videos of Hate Below is a selection of videos demonstrating just how democratic and peace loving Israel is the champion of racism and hate. It is a world leader in racist hate mongering. It is a side of Israel that the western press and politicians are keen to pretend doesn’t exist. As I showed in…
Read MoreWhen Nuremberg Came to Israel
In Israel – mixed marriages are a no-no You might, in your innocence, think that a book on an Arab-Jewish romance would be just the thing that would be welcomed as a way of breaking down barriers and enhancing understanding and tolerance between Palestinians and Israeli Jews. However you would be very foolish to do…
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