As the Witch-hunt gathers momentum, Jon Lansman’s Momentum does nothing

Mike Paling and David Watson are just two of the casualties of McNicol’s war on free speech   Mike Paling’s Expulsion letter Draft Resolution on the Witch-hunt This Branch/CLP i.                Welcomes the reinstatement of Professor Emeritus Moshe Machover, who was expelled (‘auto excluded’) from the Labour Party on 3 October 2017. Professor Machover is Jewish,…

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It is Time for Unity in the Campaign Against the Witchhunt

Momentum has to support all those suspended not just its Vice Chair Jacqueline Walker I was suspended on March 18th from the Labour Party.  Until the suspension of Ken Livingstone I was the most prominent victim of the Right’s feeding frenzy. [see Tony Greenstein suspended from Labour Party – Labour Party machine gets its revenge on Corbyn’s…

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