Child Imprisonment – an Israeli Speciality

Below is yet another story of the brutalisation of a Palestinian child.  Muhammad al-Hashlamoun is just 15 years old but he has been put in administrative detention, i.e. detention without trial, beaten up and treated like a member of the untermenschen (the lower races in Nazi Germany).  If Muhammad was a Jewish boy he would…

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Israel’s Child Prisoners

Israel’s Version of Equality – It Beats and Tortures Adults and Locks Them Up Without Trial – Why not Children? This is a shocking story of how Israel treats child prisoners.  The Israeli Medical Association has nothing to say and neither, it would appear, does the World Medical Association.  Supporters of Israel, such as the…

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Israel Tortures and Shackles Palestinian Children

Palestinian children as young as 9, are being held at the G4S prison at Ofer and at other gaols, beaten up, forced to sit in extremely uncomfortable positions, with food thrown on the floor.  It is impossible to imagine this could every happen to a Jewish child. Thus we see the Israeli State in all…

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