Is describing Israel as an Apartheid State anti-Semitic?

Yet  in Israel ‘Apartheid’ is a term regularly used even by Zionists Below is an article by Richard Kuper of Free Speech on Israel/JfJP on how the term ‘Apartheid’ is regularly used in Israel to describe the relations between Israeli Palestinians and Jews.  Yet in Britain propaganda groups, like the Jewish Labour Movement regularly accuse…

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National Union of Students Elects Malia Bouattia, a Black Woman and Moslem Refugee as its President

Zionist students and the right-wing press screams abuse as students vote to defy them An inspiring hustings speech from NUS’s new President Malia Bouattia.  As Ben White shows below the lies about Malia supporting Isis, ‘terrorism’ etc. are just more drivel from those who hate to see anyone challenging this lousy capitalist political system we…

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